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Discover our commitment to accessibility

Microsoft is committed to ensuring our products and services are designed for everyone including over one billion people with disabilities.

Microsoft Accessibility Conformance Reports show our commitment to accessibility. For enterprise, education, and government professionals, these reports help with procurement decisions and product integration within an organization.

How Microsoft integrates accessibility

Our commitment to accessibility is guided by three main principles: transparency, inclusivity and accountability. In developing our products and services, we take into account leading global accessibility standards, including:

  • EN 301 549
  • U.S. Section 508
  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

Microsoft also works with governments and organizations around the world to deliver the benefits of digital technology to people with disabilities.


We prioritize inclusive design and accessibility in products and services. Microsoft publishes Accessibility Conformance Reports (ACRs) describing how our products and services support the criteria of the European accessibility standard, EN 301 549; Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act; and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).


We want to empower everyone—with our products, services, and technology, and within our culture at Microsoft. Our approach enables us to partner with individuals who have diverse disabilities.


We are open with our plans to ensure our products are accessible. The Microsoft Accessibility website provides information about our products, the latest inclusive developments, and accessibility tools.

Global accessibility standards

EN 301 549 reports

The Microsoft cloud comprises many services and our many individual conformance reports reflect that.

U.S. Section 508 reports

Microsoft offers detailed ACRs describing accessibility for many of its cloud services.

WCAG (ISO/IEC 40500) reports

Microsoft reports on complete products or services, or portions that may be installed separately.

Enterprise Disability Answer Desk

We provide dedicated support to our enterprise customers who have questions about accessibility within our products and services or about Accessibility Conformance Reports.

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