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Bing Maps for Enterprise is deprecated and will be retired.
  • Enterprise account customers can continue to use Bing Maps for Enterprise services until June 30th, 2028.
  • Free (Basic) account customers can continue to use Bing Maps for Enterprise services until June 30th, 2025.
  • To avoid service disruptions, all implementations using Bing Maps for Enterprise REST APIs and SDKs will need to be updated to use Azure Maps by the retirement date.
  • For migration documentation, see Bing Maps Migration Overview.
  • For more details on the retirement, see the Bing Maps Blog.

Build with us

The Bing Maps team has embraced open source, making the source code for many mapping APIs and SDKs available for the developer community to utilize and contribute to via GitHub. Whether you’re seeking to better understand open source maps, open source mapping software, or want to explore how geocoding using open source software functions, Bing Maps AI makes it easy to build feature-driven experiences and contribute to ongoing innovation in maps development.

Missing Maps Give Campaign

When a natural disaster, epidemic, poverty, or another crisis impacts a region, limited map exposure makes it difficult for first responders to provide prompt aid and relief, as they lack critical location information. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to affect them as greatly as moving forward with your support and innovation.

Missing Maps is a collaborative, open source maps project for developers to work together to help map areas where humanitarian organizations are trying to meet the needs of a vulnerable population. While geocoding open source projects can serve a wide variety of business purposes, they can make a major difference in the lives of communities who would otherwise be off the grid. Read more and contribute by visiting the Bing Maps Blog.

Building Footprints

Open source maps projects require transparency to give developers and volunteers dynamic tools for making a real-world impact. In an effort to increase the coverage available for OpenStreetMap and humanitarian efforts, the Bing Maps team has released millions of building footprints as open data that anyone can download free of charge.

Read more about how the Bing Maps team is leveraging Microsoft’s investments in deep learning, computer vision, and AI and discover how the above technology functions to map for good on the Bing Maps Blog.

Bing Maps GitHub Samples and Tool Kits

Bing Maps

REST Toolkit for .NET

The Bing Maps REST Toolkit for .NET is a portable .NET class library which provides a set of tools that make it easy to access the Bing Maps REST services in .NET based apps with a number of key functionalities.

Bing Maps

V8 Code Samples

The Bing Maps V8 Code Samples are a collection of over 100 code samples for the Bing Maps V8 web control. The samples have been collected from several different sources and were created to assist developers on Bing Maps forums.

Spatial Data Services

SDS Toolkit for .NET

The Bing Maps Spatial Data Services (SDS) Toolkit for .NET is a portable .NET class library which provides a set of tools that make it easy to access the Bing Maps Spatial Data Services in .NET based apps with a number of key functionalities.

Bing Maps

V8 TypeScript Definitions

The Bing Maps V8 TypeScript Definitions are official TypeScript definitions for the Bing Maps V8 Web Control and can be used to provide intelligence and richer error-catching functionality to your IDE.

Bing Maps

SDK for Android and iOS

The Bing Maps SDK for Android and Bing Maps SDK for iOS are libraries for building mapping applications for Android and iOS, creating a consistent look and feel across Web, Windows, and Mobile.


Interactive Data Display

Interactive Data Display for WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) is a set of controls for adding interactive visualization of dynamic data to your application.

Build more with Bing Maps

Open Source Projects

Bing Maps is sought after for premium geospatial imagery, precise geolocation accuracy, and unmatched scale and coverage for mapping that makes open source maps projects possible.
Explore and contribute to the source code for many of the Bing Maps platforms’ APIs and SDKs alongside other developers on GitHub. To make the most impact, discover how we’re changing the world and materials that you’ll need to do so in the sections above.