Bloomberg Tackles Internet Security And Sustainability At Cannes

Bloomberg’s programming at this year’s Cannes Lions Festival focused on several issues marketers now face. 

One topic fitting into Bloomberg’s “Good Business” framework was digital security. 

“There was crucial discussion about the health of the Open Web, focusing on protecting it through investing in premium publishers,” says Julia Beizer, chief digital officer, Bloomberg Media. “As synthetic content floods the digital space, and signal loss reduces measurability, safeguarding integrity becomes more important than ever. Incorporating this perspective highlights the necessity of responsible business practices, to move the dial on from business to practicing ‘Good Business'.”  

In addition, this week’s programming “brought sustainability back into the conversation in measurable ways, with discussions on the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) and Scope 3 emissions,” says Christine Cook, global chief revenue officer, Bloomberg Media.



Business has the power to make a positive impact.  

“Educational activations highlighted an industry desire to continue learning and stay ahead, amidst constant changes in the digital landscape,” Cook adds. “The ANA Global CMO Growth Council offered valuable insights as part of Bloomberg Media’s programming, while our workshops provided hands-on experiences.”

“This year was a pivotal moment for the industry, emphasizing the importance of both nurturing and training the next generation of marketing talent,” says Andrea Ching, global head of integrated marketing, Bloomberg Media. 

Ching adds, “AI was a standout theme, in particular leveraging the technology to achieve more with fewer resources. But Chang observes, “The battle for audience attention was fiercer than ever, for example with the inclusion of live music at almost every beach event. This underscored the rising importance of creative and effective approaches to increase engagement, as attrition increases year-on-year.”

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