When Thinking Outside the Box Is a Bad Idea

Thinking outside the box can be a bad idea.

It was a dark and stormy night.

Seriously... it was!

Far left lane, southbound Interstate 5 at night and, of all things in Seattle, it was raining. Hard!

My 16-year old daughter with her hot-off-the-press driver's license sat behind the wheel of my Chevy Astro van. I wanted her to get as much driving experience as possible. Heavy rain, road spray, and a semi in the lane to our right, which we were about to pass. Her knuckles white, she began to freak out. I sat there... calmly... praying.

Approaching the semi, windshield wipers screaming, I looked at my daughter and said, "Heather, just keep us between the white lines." So she focused on that one goal. Keep us between the white lines. Forget the truck. Forget the rain. Forget the dark. Focus on one thing: keep us between the white lines.

And with that, she successfully passed the semi.

Out in front the sun came out. Birds began to sing. Glowing rainbows appeared. Happy unicorns danced. (OK, I made part of the ending up.)

Stay between the white lines. Driving doesn't get much more basic than that, does it?

When you were in kindergarten, what did the teacher tell you to do when you were coloring pictures?

Stay inside the lines, right?

When you became an adult, though, what were you taught? Color wherever and whatever you want! Be creative! Think outside the box!

And that is great advice when things are going well.

But when things are going not so well, it's time to stay between the lines. Get back to basics. At that point, stop thinking outside the box until the storm has passed. Keep us between the white lines.

When unexpected things happen to you... in business, or on an adventure, or in a relationship, or in a leadership role... when your knuckles are white, it's time to zone in on what matters most.

What is the most basic thing in your endeavor? I challenge you to define it clearly. Then write it out. In a sentence or two, when you're flooded by road spray and threatened by semis, what is it that matters most to your survival? Write it down.

You're not promised singing birds and glowing rainbows and dancing

unicorns. You might get all that, but it's not guaranteed. What you are guaranteed is this: the best chance at survival and success.

~from www.DennisBauer.com

Aviate • Navigate • Communicate

Thomas Jacobs

Change Leadership - data driven, people centered, technology enabled


Thank you, Dennis. Of course I'm also a geek, so I like the quote "Fear is the mindkiller" from Dune. I like to tell people "Breathe, and do what you know will work. The fear will pass."

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