"Eat That Frog" first? Really? Here's food for thought.

To disagree with the esteemed Brian Tracy makes you think twice.

But go ahead... think twice!

His advice in "Eat That Frog" is basically to begin your day by prioritizing the hardest thing first. If you eat a frog first (do the most difficult thing on your list), everything else will be easier after that.

That may be good advice for procrastinators. It may be great in terms of productivity. But it's not the best advice for a really good day. Here's why:

When faced with a list of options on your to-do list, the most daunting task may not be the most important task.

Do what matters most first, whether or not it's the disgusting frog thing.

If "productivity" (a lot of check marks on your to-do-list) is your goal, go ahead and eat the frog first. But if progress toward success is your goal, if you really want to fly high, then do the thing that matters most first.

Come Monday morning... how about your to-do list as you sit at your desk? Is the most important thing on the plate that frog? Then eat it. But if something else is more basic to your success and to the success of your company, then let the frog hop off the plate for the moment.

Do the thing that most guarantees knowing, at the end of the day... what mattered most got done.


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