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Today, we officially announced the opening of the second building of our engineering hub at the TPark campus in New Taipei City. This expansion brings additional world-class labs, a sustainable and accessible workspace, and beautiful design elements inspired by Taipei's unique culture. By creating a workplace designed for all, we pave the way for even greater innovation and products for everyone. I’m excited to see our teams drive even greater hardware innovation through deeper collaboration for years to come. Read more here to find out more about our latest office building: 今天,我們正式啟用位於新北市板橋的第二棟全新硬體研發辦公大樓,持續為台灣在技術研發與創新領域,帶來更多成長機會。 身為在台灣生長、求學、就業的一位工程師,同時是 Google 硬體研發團隊的成員,我非常開心今天能參與 Google 在台灣的這個里程碑。 從 2021 年第一棟硬體研發辦公大樓落成起,台灣已經成為 Google 在美國總部以外最大的硬體研發基地。我們在台灣的營運規模持續擴張,陸續吸引了來自世界各地的人才加入。過去十年來,Google 台灣團隊的規模已成長超過 20倍,目前更匯集了超過 30 個國家與地區的員工同仁,一起為全球科技創新努力、幫助台灣邁向成為亞洲矽谷的目標。 新的辦公大樓裡,我們打造了設有 50 多間先進設備的實驗室,以及充滿 Google 多元共融文化特色、鼓勵開放創新的辦公空間。讓 Google 在台灣和全球各地的團隊更緊密協作,一起朝以 AI 應用為設計核心的開發願景邁進,持續為全球使用者帶來整合 Google AI 技術、軟體與硬體的產品和體驗,讓每個人都能透過生活日常所使用到的裝置,輕鬆享受 AI 技術所帶來的幫助。 一起透過我們的官方部落格文章,還有辦公室介紹影片,進一步了解這棟全新的研發辦公大樓:

Our newest hardware office in Taiwan

Our newest hardware office in Taiwan

Nael Hannan

Sr. Staff Engineer - DfM (PCBA/PCB) - Google

2 settimane

Congratulations 🎉🎉

🔹Alejandro Ortega🔹

Resilient & Disruptive Leader | Value-driven Program Management | DE&I Advocate.

3 settimane

Are there any job openings?

Carmen Law

C-Suite Leader | Talent Strategist | HR Consultant | Executive Coach | Change & Transformation Expert | Integration and M&A Expert| HR4HR Coach |Trainer

3 settimane

Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉

Milton R.

Head of H/W Development, Trackers and Home Products. Taipei Site Lead, Tablets, Trackers, and Home. Google Taiwan

3 settimane

Great new space to work at Google Taiwan

Neilus O'Sullivan

Tech Industry Consultant - Datacenters, Hardware Development, Engineering Management. Past Google TL/M.

3 settimane

Looks beautiful - congrats Elmer!


Congratulations 🎉🎉

Gerald Ang (洪振洋)

Y1 SP Business Student | Small Business Owner

2 settimane


When is google going to open up to small advertisers?

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