From the course: Using Gen AI to Develop Personalized Learning Plans

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Choosing a use case

Choosing a use case

Generative AI uses our own patterns of language to create the illusion of conversation with each user. This capability is significant because it creates many opportunities to tailor the learning experience to exactly what each participant needs. It's this ability to respond to human inputs and generate something completely new each time a user submits a request that makes generative AI such a powerful tool. Through natural language processing, we can use this tool to create powerful experiences without code. But before we can do this effectively, we need to be clear on exactly how to design an AI-driven experience, and that begins by selecting a use case to focus our efforts. Now, a use case is simply a description of how a person will use the system to accomplish a goal. An instructional design considering specific use cases is essential so that features align directly to actual teaching and learning needs. Now, some organizations are trying to do too much with generative AI…
