From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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Review other menu styles

Review other menu styles

- There are two rules of thumb that have sprung up in menu design that don't really have a background in research, or rather, they do, but that research has been misinterpreted. The first is that all content should be no more than three clicks away from the homepage, or else visitors will lose interest. This just isn't true. Having watched literally thousands of people using websites, I can say that sometimes visitors will lose interest on just the first page they see. Other times, they'll continue clicking through many pages of content. What makes the difference is how likely they think it is that they'll find the information they're looking for. As I've mentioned already, the clues they see in the navigation and the content on your site are what keep them moving forward. So it's important to provide them with the signposts that they need by creating good navigation labels and following those up with great headings, summaries, and other content within each page so that visitors are…
