From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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Creating form fields

Creating form fields

- Now let's talk about the individual fields on your form. You've probably seen some forms where every field is the same length. This may look neat, but it's actually unhelpful to visitors. When people see fields of different lengths, it gives them clues as to how much information you expect them to provide. Phone numbers are a different length to credit card numbers, which are a different length to card verification numbers. Using fields of the correct size helps people work out what information to put where. You should also help people out by giving them a clue as to which fields are required and which aren't. The typical way of doing this is to use an asterisk, that's a star, next to the required fields. Another way to help people is to limit their choices. A dropdown list box or a set of radio buttons means that people get to pick from a set of options rather than having to think about what to type. In terms of human memory, recognition is much easier than recall. As long as…
