From the course: The Four Phases of Women's Careers

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The culture shock 30s in women's careers

The culture shock 30s in women's careers

From the course: The Four Phases of Women's Careers

The culture shock 30s in women's careers

- In their 30s, too many women ram into what I call culture shock. The more successful and ambitious they were in their 20s, the harder and more unexpectedly they tend to crash into this next phase. What's going on? Women and employers bring too very different perspectives to this career phase. Young women today tend to delay major personal choices like marriage and parenthood while they focus on prioritizing and building their careers. The average age of marriage has been steadily increasing for decades. It's now 29 in the US and in China. The more ambitious and educated the woman, the more they delay. On average, educated women are now marrying and having children somewhere in their early 30s. A growing minority are no longer doing either, but I'll leave that for another course. Here, we'll focus on the majority who will be doing some degree of juggling between family and professional lives. When do you think…
