From the course: The Four Phases of Women's Careers

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Flexibility in the future of work

Flexibility in the future of work

- In fast aging societies, more people will be under more pressure to both work and care at multiple stages of their career. Adapting to women's career trajectories prepares companies for adjusting to everyone. The future of work is very linked to the future of workforce trends. These in turn, are impacted by the world's dramatically shifting demographics. As societies across the globe age, many companies will increasingly find that a substantial percentage of their workforces are over 50. In some countries, as much as half this will be matched by its parallel drop in the number of the young. In 2022, Europe had more people over the age of 65 than under 15. North America's close behind. Economically people will want and need to work longer, and retirement ages are steadily increasing. Companies will find the talent pooled generationally balancing in a way they have never experienced before. There will be fewer young workers and more older ones. Careers will stretch towards these 60…
