From the course: Reasons Not to Worry: Stoicism in Chaotic Times

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Why you shouldn't judge everything

Why you shouldn't judge everything

- [Narrator] You don't need to judge everything. And we make judgments really quickly, often without adequate information. Sometimes, when no judgment is not needed at all. And so much of what we label good or bad is actually neutral. But our judgments are powerful and they dictate to a large extent how we respond. So an example I've got in my book of this is that I may apply for a rental property, a lease, that I really want, have my heart set on it, have furnished it in my brain, and then I miss out. And so I say, "This is bad. It's a bad situation." I react. I get upset. I'd lose my tranquility. But is it actually bad if, the following week, a much better place comes on the market and I'm successful in getting that? You know? No. So the thing that we thought was bad actually works out for us. And you know, the stoics were really good at stepping back. Marcus Aurelius, I think it was called the view from above. So you know, rather than getting caught up in the emotion of a rejection…
