From the course: Reasons Not to Worry: Stoicism in Chaotic Times

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Brigid Delaney introduces "Reasons Not to Worry"

Brigid Delaney introduces "Reasons Not to Worry"

From the course: Reasons Not to Worry: Stoicism in Chaotic Times

Brigid Delaney introduces "Reasons Not to Worry"

- [Brigid] Hi, my name's Brigid Delaney and I'm the author of "Reasons Not To Worry: How to Be Stoic in Chaotic Times." And this is my fourth book, and it's being published by Harper Perennial, which is super exciting. So before I tell you a bit about some of the things I learned from writing this book, I'll tell you a bit about how I came to Stoicism. I'm not an academic, I don't have a background in philosophy. I'm just a fairly sort of average person battling the normal things that people battle. Cost of living, balancing work and outside life, Trying to be healthy, trying to be good, trying to be a good friend, a good person in the world, to sort of leave some sort of mark that's positive in my time here. To also work out, what is our place in the natural world? Is there a God? All that sort of stuff. So I've always had these sort of questions turning round in my head ever since I was really young, and became a journalist because that allowed me to ask questions of experts and get…
