From the course: Reasons Not to Worry: Stoicism in Chaotic Times

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Maintain tranquility by cultivating indifference

Maintain tranquility by cultivating indifference

From the course: Reasons Not to Worry: Stoicism in Chaotic Times

Maintain tranquility by cultivating indifference

- [Narrator] This thing that they call the preferred indifference, and I touched a bit on it in the control test. So they say essentially money, health, and reputation are out of our control. It's pretty scary for a lot of people to think that, you know, you could end up bankrupt, you're definitely going to die, (laughs) and you probably will get ill, and your reputation, you know, that's something that you can try your hardest to have a good reputation, but people can spread rumors or get things wrong. So all these things are out of our control. And once again, if we want to preserve our tranquility, the Stoics would say, "Recognize that those things are out of our control. Do not get too down or unhappy if you lose them, because you most certainly will lose them at some point in your life. Just keep that tranquil state." So, you know, as per the control test, money, health, and reputation are all essentially outside our control, and if we can cultivate indifference to them, we're…
