From the course: Power to the Middle: Why Managers Own the Future of Work

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Why middle managers are key to success

Why middle managers are key to success

- [Narrator] Middle managers are among the most valuable players in an organization. Managers are key in two parts of what makes businesses work. One, they're critical for delivering for their people, for coaching them, for developing them, for making sure that those people have the soft skills that are increasingly required in a world where we're surrounded by automation and automated tools. It's those human skills that are most important and where managers are most important. Managers are also critical for figuring out value creation. Hey, the markets are changing fast as are all of the ways we can collaborate, you know, internally, externally. How we organize to create value is more complex now than it's ever been. - [Narrator] When we thought about the years of serving organizations on talent transformations, business transformations, what really came down to whether a company succeeded or fell short of their aspirations really was the middle manager. CEOs can set the top-down…
