From the course: Power to the Middle: Why Managers Own the Future of Work

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Letting managers focus on people

Letting managers focus on people

- [Speaker 1] Managers must be given the time and authority to focus on their people, not just administrative tasks. - [Speaker 2] We have not really invested in this group. We've made their lives very difficult. And even our own data, when we ask people what they spend their time on, they think they should be spending their time on planning, you know, administrative task, not on developing the workers. So the thing we need from them the most is the thing they're asked to do the least. - [Speaker 3] Middle managers are spending, in a recent survey we did, less than 1/3 of their time on people management. What's happened over the past 20 years is managers have increasingly been asked and increasingly valued for not their management, but for their individual contributor work. And given the complexities of the future (mumbles), we need to flip that around. We need to get managers back to managing. - [Speaker 4] Managers have to be very intentional. They have to make the time, have the…
