From the course: Music Law: Managing a Band's Business

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- As I mentioned in the previous video, there are two copyrights associated with music. A song copyright and a sound recording copyright. Here I'll primarily discuss the sound recording copyright. Under copyright law, anyone who makes a material creative contribution to a recording is a co-author and co-owner of the resulting sound recording copyright. Your band owns the sound recording copyright unless you have transferred or assigned the rights, for example, to a record company. When others are involved in the recording process, your band's copyright interest in the sound recording may be effected. Here are some tips to best protect your band's rights. Recording studios. A recording studio cannot claim an ownership in your music, simply because the recording was made there. There are two exceptions. A, studio employees arrange your music or perform on your recordings. Or b, the studio records your band on spec in return for a piece of the recording. If a studio employee makes a…
