From the course: Music Law: Managing a Band's Business

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Affiliating with collection organizations

Affiliating with collection organizations

From the course: Music Law: Managing a Band's Business

Affiliating with collection organizations

- The two music copyrights, song copyrights and recording copyrights earn money in different ways. In the US, only songwriters, or song owners, not sound recording owners, earn income from over-the-air radio play when the recording is played by an AM or FM station or from concerts and related plays. However, both songwriters and sound recording owners are entitled to payments from play via digital transmission such as Pandora, Spotify, Live365 and Sirius XM radio. SoundExchange is the company designated to collect these payments and to pay the sound recordng copyright owner, usually your band or record company. Before you band fills out the online SoundExchange paperwork you may want to find out whether SoundExchange has logged any action for your band's recordings by checking their list of unregistered artists. If your band does not appear, there's no immediate rush to register as no money is currently waiting for you. If your band's name appears or if you just want to sign up…
