From the course: Migrating from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

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The sandbox model for analytics deployments

The sandbox model for analytics deployments

- [Narrator] One of the more difficult aspects of working with Google Analytics is that for the most part, GA data is forever and is very difficult or even impossible to change or remove. That's why I'm a big proponent of what I call the sandbox method of analytics testing. If you've done any work in software development, you may be familiar with the term. But the idea is that the sandbox is an isolated testing environment because it's separate. The data that's in the sandbox won't impact your other analytics efforts. Even beyond the work we're doing in this course to move your universal deployment over to GA4, the sandbox method of testing is useful for all kinds of other analytics changes as well and I hope it's something you can include in your analytics workflow in general. What's great about using sandboxes is that since it should never be used for actual data analysis, you can try out all sorts of different settings…
