From the course: Introduction to Web Design and Development

Web design and development in the code and no-code era

From the course: Introduction to Web Design and Development

Web design and development in the code and no-code era

- The first web server came online in 1990 at CERN, which is the European organization for nuclear research. The potential of the web was realized soon after to share all kinds of human knowledge, facilitate social interaction, provide entertainment, and connect people from all over the world. According to the W3C, there were over 10,000 web servers online by 1995. And by 2004, there were over 46 million servers. Websites are now critical to companies, and organizations no longer view it as optional. And these website are often created and maintained by a team of developers. Social media management, content strategy, user experience, user interface design, search engine optimization, email marketing, and many other areas of expertise are important for supporting website construction and maintenance, well beyond just coding. In this course, I'll introduce you to the world of web design and development. We'll start by examining common terminology used in the field like client, server, and browser. We'll move on to a quick overview of website planning and prototyping, exploring the fields of user experience, or UX, and user interface, or UI. Then we'll take a peek at the three technologies that power the front end of websites, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We'll write a little code so that you can see how that feels and see if you enjoy that work. Finally, we'll look at the no code world. This is the emerging field where there are many technologies available for developing websites without knowing how to code. I'm Jen Kramer, and I've been building websites for over 20 years. I've watched the field grow from the days when the business people said, "The website must pay for itself," to the present day when the same business people say, "Are we even a company without a website?" I'm eager to share my experiences with you in this rapidly expanding field. You can find your own place in this world if you want to join us. So if you're ready, let's get started learning about website design and development.
