From the course: Introduction to Web Design and Development

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Simple website builders for small sites

Simple website builders for small sites

- Most websites are just a few pages. All of those portfolios and personal sites, basic business, and nonprofit listings, startups, and projects out there have relatively small, straightforward websites. But small and straightforward doesn't mean generic. You still want to choose your colors, fonts, layout, and message when building the site. You may want that image carousel or blog functionality or a simple shopping cart for a few products. You don't have a graphic designer or a programmer on hand, just yourself. And of course you need the site built yesterday. If any of those characteristics resonate with you you might want to look at some of the simple website builders out there. They will offer all of those features plus a few extras you might not anticipate. Squarespace, Wix, and Weebly are three of the big players in the space. They offer a no code way of building a simple website with basic features, with choice of theme, colors, fonts, and layout specifically created with the…
