From the course: Integrated Marketing Communications Strategies

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IMC is an ongoing process

IMC is an ongoing process

- IMC is essential to build your brand and business. It's an ongoing process to test and learn and continuously measure and optimize. Here are three suggestions to kick off your IMC strategy development. Stay on top of IMC best practices. You can join networking groups on LinkedIn, other social media sites or locally where you live to share ideas with people just like you. Subscribe to free newsletters with IMC insights and case studies from global management consultancies like PwC, BCG or McKinsey or marketing agencies such as BBDO or Ogilvy. Monitor changes such as customer preferences, competitive activity and product or service improvements. Addressing changes will help you differentiate and engage your customers. I encourage you to stay in touch by following me on LinkedIn. Congratulations for completing this course on integrated marketing communication strategies. I wish you the best of success.
