From the course: Integrated Marketing Communications Strategies

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Brand storytelling in action

Brand storytelling in action

- Ever heard the saying, "Prevention is the best cure?" We see a doctor when we don't feel well, but sometimes we forget to ask our doctor how to prevent problems in the first place. I'd like to share a brand storytelling example for Wisdom Pet Medicine. This brand was well known for helping sick or hurt animals, but pet owners didn't really think about preventive care, so Wisdom Pet Medicine used brand storytelling to persuade pet owners to use their preventive services to help protect their pets from getting sick or hurt. Changing pet owners' attitudes and behaviors, this was a tall order, so they used transmedia storytelling to continue the brand's narrative across all touch points in the IMC plan. Wisdom Pet created a game called "The Life of Axel." Pet owners could meet and engage with Axel over the course of his lifetime and learn about preventive methods for their dog. Here are some highlights. Wisdom Pet partnered…
