From the course: Head and Heart: The Art of Modern Leadership

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Mastering the art of modern leadership

Mastering the art of modern leadership

- [Instructor] We can all master the art of modern leadership. You'll be pleased to know my research found being a modern leader is not a fad, and you don't need to throw out anything you may have already learned. Modern leaders draw on qualities and leadership skills we already have, often in abundance, in which we can develop even further as we become conscious of the impact we have on others. Very often, some of the qualities or attributes are those we keep separate from work. The leader we are at home might be quite different to the leader we are in our workplace. Modern leaders integrate the leader they are when they're in all contexts of their life, whether at home, at work, or in their communities. It's the skills as a leader you have across all those different contexts that together will help you be the most effective modern leader you can be. Now, I'm going to be talking a lot about the head and the heart, and of course, it is just a metaphor, and it's not a new one. Who…
