From the course: Head and Heart: The Art of Modern Leadership

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Leaders learn how to read the room

Leaders learn how to read the room

- [Narrator] Being able to read a room is key for modern leaders. When Utah Jazz player Rudy Gobert tested positive to COVID in March 2020, National Basketball Association Commissioner Adam Silver faced a dilemma. Silver needed to make a significant decision in the face of very little information. Gobert had become the first pro basketballer to have COVID and Silver needed to decide what to do. Ultimately, Silver canceled the NBA season and the NHL and Major League Baseball soon followed. Can you imagine what that decision must have been like to make at that time in the face of sponsors, team owners, stadium owners, players, and fans? This was all before anyone knew how the pandemic might evolve. Yet Silver assessed the environment, tried to predict a few steps ahead, and he decided on the course of action in the face of very little information. He truly read the room. He led with perspective. In my research, I found of all eight attributes of the Head and Heart, perspective has a…
