From the course: Head and Heart: The Art of Modern Leadership

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Be a leader—regardless of your job title

Be a leader—regardless of your job title

From the course: Head and Heart: The Art of Modern Leadership

Be a leader—regardless of your job title

- [Instructor] To live is to lead. We are all leaders. Now, this might seem obvious to some, but you would be surprised how many people don't see themselves as leaders, even though they clearly leave a leadership impact. This is because we've been taught our whole lives leadership is only for those with power and authority. Formal leaders, leaders with important titles and employees they're responsible for. The problem with such a narrow view of leadership is that it excludes rather than includes the many people we see leading in their lives every day. We are all leaders in our homes, our workplaces, our communities, regardless of our formal titles or roles and responsibilities. Now, of course, I'm not suggesting everyone is the boss that would lead to chaos, but all of us leave a leadership impact. I remember in the first few months of the pandemic, I went to a local grocery store and watched a scene unfold. On this day, the young female checkout operator in my aisle couldn't have…
