From the course: Faster Python Code

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Use Codespaces with this course

Use Codespaces with this course - Python Tutorial

From the course: Faster Python Code

Use Codespaces with this course

- [Instructor] We have refreshed this course for you. What does it mean? First, we added support for Codespaces, so now you can head over to the GitHub repository for the course, click on the green Code button, select the Codespaces tab, and click on Create codespace on main. If there is this warning while you start out, just ignore it. Once your browser is inside Visual Studio Code, you're ready to go. Everything is there. You can follow along without the need to install anything. There are a couple of other changes. First, I've updated the requirements to be the latest version of every package, and I also updated python --version to the latest version of Python. So now you can start, follow along, and enjoy the ride.
