From the course: Faster Python Code

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- [Instructor] So far, we've been using CPython which is the main implementation of Python written in C. There are several distributions to CPython such as the one from, Anaconda, which is very popular with the scientific community and others. But there are also other implementations of Python. There's Jython, which is written in Java, and it's used Java classes. There's IronPython, which is written in .net and let's you use code written in .net. There's MicroPython, which is optimized for microcontrollers and more. Another implementation is PyPy which is Python written in Python. This sounds crazy at first but PyPy can try out new things quickly and also has a JIT, just-in-time compiler which can speed up things considerably. The Achilles heel of PyPy was the fact it didn't work well with many of the third party models. But the latest versions of PyPy have improved in this area. Now you can use…
