From the course: Faster Python Code

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- [Miki] Thanks for watching. I hope you found this course useful. Optimization is a never-ending story. Every time you fix one performance issue, a new one will come to light. User behaviors and environment are constantly changing. Raymond Hettinger, who's the speed czar of Python, said, "Much of the doubling speed for core Python "that has occurred over the last 10 years "has occurred one little step at a time, "none of the them being individually dramatic." Get out and learn about new and old technologies that might help you. Go to meetup on algorithms and data structures. Read blogs with the title How I Made X Y Times Faster. Read books such as The Performance of Open Source Applications. Go to conferences. And always think, how can I make this faster? Experiment with all the things you learn, and don't forget to have fun. And of course, feel free to reach us at 353Solutions. We've been helping teams to optimize…
