Chargeable clicks for website visits campaigns

Last updated: 2 months ago

Website visits campaigns can be charged for clicks, impressions, or message sends, depending on the optimization goal, bidding strategy, and ad format selected.

Campaign objective Optimization goal Bidding strategy Charged by
Website visits Landing page clicks Maximum delivery (automated) Impressions
Cost cap Impressions
Manual bidding Landing page clicks
Impressions Manual bidding Impressions

Learn more about chargeable clicks for every ad format available in the website visits objective.

Single image, carousel, document, and event ads

The table provides information about chargeable and non-chargeable clicks for single image, carousel, document ,and event ads.

Click type Clicks on Description
Chargeable clicks Landing page

Clicks on your intro text, ad image, headline, or call-to-action (CTA) item open your creative’s destination URL.

Note: In carousel ads, if different cards have separate destination URLs, you’re charged once for each unique URL the member clicks. 

Non-chargeable clicks     LinkedIn Page Clicks on your company logo or company name.
Open more content Clicks on the see more text to expand the intro text.
Social pill Clicks that open a window showing those who like or comment on your ad.
Social actions Clicks include likes, comments, shares, and clicks to hashtags.
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Single image, carousel, and event ads

Video ads

The table provides information about chargeable clicks for video ads.

Click type Clicks on Description
Chargeable clicks Video Clicks anywhere on the media (headline, CTA, or video) open your creative’s destination URL and anchor the video to the top of the page.

Text ads

The table provides information about chargeable clicks for text ads.

Click type Clicks on Description
Chargeable clicks Landing page  Clicks on your intro text, headline, or ad image open your creative’s destination URL.

Spotlight ads

The table provides information about chargeable clicks for spotlight ads.

Click type Clicks on Description
Chargeable clicks Call-to-action  Clicks on your call-to-action (CTA) button.
Landing page  Clicks anywhere on the ad open your creative’s destination URL.

Message and conversation ads

Sponsored Messaging ad campaigns are charged on a cost-per-send basis so there are no chargeable clicks.

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