Kaizen Sigma

Kaizen Sigma

Advertising Services

Los Angeles, California 87 followers

Empowering businesses to thrive with innovative marketing strategies that elevate brands and inspire growth.

About us

Kaizen Sigma is a Los Angeles-based creative and media agency that prides itself on servicing local businesses, digital content creators, coaches, consultants, and service-based businesses. Our specialty is paid advertising, but we've got a full tech stack of services ready for any challenge the world of digital marketing throws at us. At Kaizen Sigma, we stand apart from the rest, and our unique approach is the reason why. Our focus is on the consumer, leaving the boardroom in the dust. We embrace the internet's powerful sway over culture, not the outdated ways of Madison Avenue. Driven by curiosity and humility, we seek out the right solutions instead of engaging in drawn-out discussions. We are practitioners through and through. We conquer seemingly insurmountable challenges. Authentic consumer signals are our compass. Our creative process is fueled by understanding the consumer's needs, not by satisfying our egos. Our ultimate goal is to generate significant business results for our clients.

Advertising Services
Company size
2-10 employees
Los Angeles, California
Privately Held
digital marketing, social media marketing, funnel building, digital advertising, reputation management, branding, content marketing, SEO, website creation, business listings, youtube ads, video production, affiliate marketing, website design, public relations, facebook ads, marketing strategy, copywriting, podcasting, lead generation, and consulting


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    645 W 9th St.

    Unit 110-256

    Los Angeles, California 90015, US

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    In the dynamic world of digital marketing, expectations can be as volatile as cryptocurrency prices. Allow me to share an episode that unfolded at Kaizen Sigma, revealing nuances that both agency owners and clients can learn from. (3 takeaway lessons at the end of this post) We had a client—let's call him "The Apprentice"—who was keen on understanding Google Ads, not just outsourcing it. A noble endeavor, sure. The contract was signed, including a section detailing our duties on Google Advertising Optimization. The Apprentice wanted to run HIS OWN parallel campaign. Something we don't normally do (and this scenario is a classic example of why), but flexibility is a hallmark of a good agency. ...So, we agreed, even though our contract didn't explicitly state we'd be offering Google Ads tutorials. Like clockwork, the lines between 'guidance' and 'instruction' blurred. Our Ads specialist found himself in hour-long sessions, transforming from a G-Ads Specialist to a full-time mentor. Time is money, and this level of involvement was affecting other projects. The Apprentice was unimpressed when we mentioned additional fees for these extended coaching sessions (in fact, he was upset we had the audacity to even ask). He argued that we hadn't fulfilled our original duties, pointing to the very section in the contract that we believed we had honored—by running our separate, well-optimized campaign. Ah, the irony! 😵💫 So, what did we learn? Firstly, flexibility is a virtue, but CLARITY is a savior. In an industry where time is finite, defining the scope of work can't be overstated. Know your services, set your boundaries, and make them crystal clear—whether you're the client expecting specific results or the agency defining its deliverables. Secondly, communication is the lifeblood of any successful project, but it's only effective when it's a two-way street. Both parties felt they were fulfilling their end of the bargain based on their understanding of the agreement. Listen, it's easy to think you're on the same page when, in fact, you're reading different books. Ask questions, seek clarifications, and...DON'T ASSUME—whether you're the agency trying to decipher a client's needs or a client interpreting service offerings. Lastly, never underestimate the power of a well-drafted contract. The Apprentice wasn't wrong to seek value, but his understanding of what was contractually owed was, let's say, divergent. And here's where a contract can save the day. It's not just a bureaucratic formality and red tape; it's the rulebook of engagement. This wasn't just a lesson in client management or contract drafting; it was a reminder that the world of digital marketing is not just about numbers and algorithms. It's about people, expectations, and the delicate art of managing both. Mastering this art is the difference between a campaign that soars and one that sinks faster than you can say "Google Ads."

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    So, we've got big businesses like AT&T and Panasonic Connect using AI to streamline their operations. They're using AI chatbots to automate tasks like coding, summarizing calls, and even filling out forms. And the results? Increased productivity and more time for employees to focus on complex tasks. Game changer, for sure. But here's the kicker: this secret weapon isn't just for the big guys. Even if you're running a small business, you can still harness the power of AI to make your operations more efficient. And that's where the right software comes in. Imagine having a platform that offers a suite of tools designed to help small businesses automate their operations and improve their marketing efforts. Imagine having your own personal AI assistant, ready to help you streamline your business. For example, you can use software to automate your customer service. Instead of spending hours each day answering customer queries, you can set up a chatbot to handle common questions. Now you've got free time to focus on other aspects of your business. But here's where it gets really exciting: lead generation. With the right software, you can AUTOMATE your lead generation efforts. You can set up automated campaigns that send out personalized messages to potential customers at the right time. Attract more leads and grow your business on autopilot (mostly). We can see that AI is not just a tool for the big players. Even small businesses can harness the power of AI to streamline their operations, improve their marketing efforts, and supercharge their lead generation. And with the right software, it's easier than ever to get started. So, why not give it a try? You might just find that AI is the game-changer you've been looking for.

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    First: Follow me to stay on top of trends for your business. https://lnkd.in/g-2gMf9G Second, let's talk about the "Twitter Killer": Threads. I know what you're thinking: "Great, another social media platform to keep up with," but hold up a second, there's some interesting stuff here that could be a game-changer for business owners. First off, Threads is built on a decentralized model, a fancy way of saying it's designed to work with other platforms that use the same protocol, like Mastodon. This means that content can flow between platforms, opening up a whole new world of audience reach. For business owners, this could mean a broader audience for your content and potentially, a wider customer base. Secondly, Threads is designed to elevate replies to the same level as original posts. 🔑 That means more interaction and discussion, which is great for businesses. It means your customers and followers are more likely to engage with your content, leading to a more vibrant and active online presence. 😱 So, how do you take advantage of this? ✅ Get on Threads early As with any new platform, the early adopters often reap the biggest rewards. Establish a presence on Threads early, and you can secure your brand's name, start building an audience, and position yourself as a forward-thinking business. ✅ Leverage the cross-platform potential If you're already on platforms like Mastodon, you can potentially reach your audience across multiple platforms with the same content. Is this the end of managing multiple social media accounts? 🤷🏻♂️ ✅ Encourage engagement Since Threads is designed to promote discussion, make sure your posts encourage this. Ask questions, seek opinions, and make sure to reply to comments to keep the conversation going. ✅ Keep an eye on content moderation One of the potential downsides as of now is the risk of inappropriate content appearing on Threads from other platforms. Make sure you're aware of this and have a plan in place to manage it. Threads could be a great opportunity to reach a wider audience and engage with them in a new and exciting way. So give it a shot and tell me if you plan on joining!

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    First, Happy 4th to those who celebrate! 🇺🇸🎇 Enjoy the Wednesday hangover. Now let’s dig into today’s learning about the social media platform we all know and love (or love to hate now): Reddit. They’ve been going through some things lately, to say the least. They made changes to their data API, and let's just say it didn't go down as smoothly as a cold beer at a July 4th BBQ. So, what went wrong? Well, Reddit decided to change their API pricing, which would have cost someone like Christian Selig, the developer of a popular Reddit client called Apollo, a minor $20 MILLION per year to run his app. Yeah...no. This led to a lot of third-party Reddit app developers sharing similar concerns about their future. And rightfully so. It was like a domino effect of worry and protest. So, what does this have to do with you as a small business owner? The key takeaway here is the importance of communication and considering the impact of your decisions on your stakeholders, e.g. your customers. Reddit made a significant change without effectively communicating with the developers who would be most affected. This led to protests, app closures, and a whole lot of unhappy people. So, if you're a small business owner, ALWAYS consider how your decisions will affect those who rely on your business. Before making a big change, communicate with your stakeholders, whether they're your customers, employees, or partners. Get their input, address their concerns, and make sure they feel heard. And remember, timing is everything. Reddit's changes came into effect on July 1, leaving developers scrambling. When implementing changes in your business, give people ample time to adjust. Keep the lines of communication open, consider the impact of your decisions on others, and always, always, always make sure you've got the timing right.

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