Bronze 2
Since ‎06-12-2023

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Hi friends,I want to disbale add button if entry for today is already done.Pls provide a way to do it . its urgent on my part
HI guys, i have created an attendance app. But i want single entry to be done on today(). How can i prevent just one entry only.. sometimes users mark multiple attendance on a single date which causes confusion..may be the +(add) button gets disabled...
Hi frends, I have a column date and associated charts, i want to show only those dates which are in future.. something like those are follow up dates. but it should show userwise and followupdate greater than today How to do it? pls help
Hi team,I am unable to login from my Google workspace account to appsheet. I have given access to appsheet from admin account, still facing this issueCan someone guide me? receiving below error
I have 15 kinds of status like (open ,close ,pending ,approve) in appsheet.i want to show sumary of status like below..StatusNoOpen2Pending3Close12 Pls show me how to do this?
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