Bronze 2
Since ‎02-11-2024
a week ago

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Hi colleagues, Is it possible to add attachment to appview or even a link to file when sending email via automation?If so ,please guide me through.Best reagrds,
I have a table with Drivers Data with autogenerated QR code.The table contains the following columns:"Code", "Nom & Prénom", "N° permis de conduire", "Transporteur" and "Matricule Camion"I want when I scan a certain QR code to open an existing form n...
Hi friends, I want to have an automation process to send email with(To and CC) recipients in a table based on service type .I want also to send an embedded app view as email body to have Approve or Reject answer to the requester.Here is how my table ...
Hi friends, I am working on checklist app ,but I am facing a strange behaviour in my template as when I in edit mode it displays as normal like that:Bu when Pdf generated ,it displays:What could be the reason?Best regards,
Hi everybody,In my appsheet form I have created an action to generate Pdf file and send it via email.The process is working ,but when I try to open the file in my form it gives strange message: <DIV>'Attachments/ALI.pdf' not found</DIV> <DIV>Probable cause: N/A</DIV> <DIV><UL><LI><DIV> <DIV>Pat</DIV></DIV></LI></UL></DIV>...
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