Best for Diversity: Our Recommendations for Families

Seeing, hearing, and imagining stories that reflect our families, communities, and the diverse world we live in is an essential part of a child's healthy identity development. Media plays a critical role in shaping how we understand and make sense of ourselves, and it can be a powerful tool for learning about people from different backgrounds. Our lists of top picks in entertainment and learning make it easy for you to find diverse voices, authentic representation, and positive characters for kids of all ages.

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Great Movies with Latino Stars

Funny and touching stories with Latino actors in the spotlight.

Movies with Afro-Latino Stars

Don't miss these fantastic films featuring Afro-Latino celebrities in major roles.

Movies and TV Shows That Celebrate Hip-Hop Music

Iconic soundtracks, artists, and storylines.

Movies and TV Shows with Arab Leads

Moving, accurate reflections of Arab culture, with Arab actors and characters at the forefront.

Powerful Stories About Martin Luther King Jr.

Movies, TV shows, and books about the inspirational civil rights leader and his lasting legacy.

Movies & TV Shows That Celebrate Indigenous Peoples

Thoughtful picks that showcase stories by and for Indigenous communities.

Movies That Illustrate and Celebrate the Jewish Experience

These thoughtfully curated movies are a reflection of what it means to be Jewish.

Best Latino Movies to Watch as a Family

From Oscar winners to real life heroes.

Best Bilingual and Spanish Podcasts for Kids

Kids, tweens, and teens will love these educational and entertaining picks.

Movies and TV Shows That Celebrate Black Music

From chart-toppers to the local marching band, explore the influences of Black music with these great picks!

Books with Jewish Characters

Compelling stories of Jewish life, history, and culture.

Growing Up Queer: Thoughtful Books About LGBTQ+ Youth

Affirming, relatable stories about queer kids and teens.

Queer AND: Movies and TV Shows That Explore Intersectionality and LGBTQ+ Identities

Compassionate picks that highlight the diverse experiences of LGBTQ+ people.

Growing Up Queer: Thoughtful Movies and TV Shows About LGBTQ+ Youth

Excellent picks that uplift the stories of LGBTQ+ kids and teens.

LGBTQ+ History on the Screen: Impactful Queer Moments and Figures in Movies and TV

Great picks that honor the experiences and perspectives of LGBTQ+ people.

Podcasts with Diverse Characters and Stories

Get a range of perspectives, cultures, experiences, families, and more in these inclusive picks.

Kids & Family Podcasts with Black Hosts and Black Lead Characters

Elevate Black voices and characters with these amazing podcasts.

Kids & Family Podcasts with Latino Hosts and Latino Lead Characters

Find great podcasts with Latino voices and characters for kids of all ages.

Podcasts for Kids by Kids

Kids', tweens', and teens' voices are loud and clear in these entertaining and inspiring podcasts.

Podcasts Featuring Inspiring Women

Motivate kids of all ages with these female-centered podcasts.