Common Sense is a trusted resource for reporters, researchers, and anyone writing and talking about the impact of media and technology on kids and families. Learn more about where we've been featured in the news, where we're leading the conversation around making the digital world work better for kids, and how to connect with our experts.

Press Releases

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Common Sense Media Beats Back Tech Lobby in New York With the Passage of Two Online Child Safety Bills

The SAFE for Kids Act and the New York Child Data Protection Act, supported by Gov. Hochul, AG James, Sen. Gounardes, Assem. Rozic, and parents, grassroots groups, and labor unions across the state, will reel in Big Tech’s harms to kids online.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton Backs New York Legislation to Protect Children on Social Media

"As a New Yorker and a grandmother of young children, I strongly support the SAFE For Kids Act and the New York Child Data Protection Act"


Our CEO and founder, Jim Steyer, is a nationally recognized advocate for children. Learn more about his work.

"Technology is everywhere but the big question is will it be used for good or for bad? This is an existential question for our nation and our world."

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Our team includes experts in media and technology, child development, privacy, platform accountability, education, and more. Read about our subject matter experts and let us know if you want to connect with them!

Our Perspectives

Our blog, Making Kids Our Nation’s Priority, features ideas, perspectives, and more from our Common Sense Experts.

Media Contacts

Lisa Cohen

Communications Advisor


Phone: (310) 963-3244

Natalia Garcia

Head of Public Affairs


Phone: (202) 739-1322

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