Frequently Asked Questions.

What is the Affiliate Mediator Program?

The Affiliate Mediator Program includes a variety of tools and opportunities to help mediators with limited resources build their mediation practices. Because Affiliates will be vetted to meet quality standards of practice, membership in this program is a measure of stature that differentiates mediators listings on AAA

What is the AAA Cooperative Alliance?

The AAA Cooperative Alliance offers qualifying mediators the benefits and resources from both organizations. In addition to the opportunities of the Affiliate Mediator program noted above, MC3 certifies mediators based on training, education, and commitment to ethical practice, helping mediators to distinguish themselves in a crowded field.

Under the alliance, MC3-certified mediators presumptively qualify for inclusion as an AAA Affiliate Mediator and AAA trainings presumptively qualify as training for MC3 certification and recertification. The alliance also offers qualifying mediators discounts on AAA Affiliate fees, initial MC3 certification, and continuing education.

To learn more about and to apply to this program, please view the following documents:

AAA Cooperative Alliance FAQ 

MC3 l AAA Affiliate Application 

AAA Affiliates Agreement

What are the privileges and benefits of the program?

Through the program, Affiliates have numerous outlets to enhance their presence in the global mediation world.

  •  Inclusion on the Roster of Mediators
    Affiliates will be offered the opportunity, if qualified, to be included with the members of the AAA Mediation Panel on rosters of mediators for claims or other suitable mediation case programs administered by either AAA or the AAA.
  • Co-Branding Materials
    The Affiliate will be able to co-brand items and keep his or her own name, as well as utilize the AAA brand (e.g., “Johnson Mediation Group, an AAA Affiliate Mediator”).
  • Listing
    Affiliates will be listed on AAA’s website. 
  • Program Faculty
    Affiliates who satisfy certain criteria established by the AAA or AAA may from time to time be eligible to serve as faculty on the AAA or AAA programs.
  • Authored Articles
    Affiliates will have prioritized opportunity to publish articles in the Dispute Resolution Journal, currently published by Juris.* Articles written by Affiliates and published on
    AAA will be highlighted.
    *This benefit is subject to compliance with the Dispute Resolution Journal's then-current guidelines and editorial approval, which approval shall be exercised in the sole and absolute discretion of Dispute Resolution Journal based upon Dispute Resolution Journal’s subjective standards.​
  • Joint RFPs
    Affiliates shall be eligible to be considered by AAA for joint RFP (Request for Proposal) mediation programs upon request.  

  • Speaking Engagements
    Affiliates shall be eligible to be invited to participate in speaking engagements and to make presentations at appropriate AAA or AAA educational programs.

  • Advertising Opportunities
    Affiliates are eligible for expanded advertising opportunities that may be made available to Affiliates on AAA’s website and to participate in co-op (shared cost) advertising managed by the AAA marketing department and advertising firms.
  • Attendance at Affiliate Conferences
    There may be special conferences hosted exclusively for Affiliates.
  • Discounted Admission and Other Fees
    AAA and AAA sponsor conferences and continuing education and training programs (i.e., marketing, legal issues, advanced skills, and specialized industry topics) that Affiliates may attend at reduced rates.

How will I be identified as an Affiliate Mediator on

Your profile information will reflect that you are an AAA Affiliate Mediator.

How do I become an Affiliate Mediator?

Please review the Affiliate Mediator Application and Agreement

Once completed, or if you have additional questions, please contact
Harold Coleman Jr., Esq., Executive Director, AAA at [email protected].