
flying completely under the radar because no one except me apparently ever looks at advertising.tumblr.com, the answer to most of your “why is this on the recommended page” questions is… they have a coterie of “creatrs” (marketing professionals, probably onboarded from the tumblr plus fiasco when they had a branding coach reach out to everyone who expressed interest) who will make commissioned artworks and fanposts to promote your shitty cop tv show or whatever. like doesn’t this violate EU laws to sneak in undisclaimed “native” advertising. should somebody look into that. they implemented a “commercial content” banner but are they using it. i’ve been saying “it’s the fandom shit opening the door to monetization and censorship” this entire fucking time well none of you listened


does staff still steal people's funny posts as inspiration for merch or would an attempt at psyoping them into making something with a hidden meaning be a fools errand


it can be overt. that's how sophia killed the dennys blog




at this point i think the largest obstacle would be that the tumblr shop closed because nobody bought anything and anyway they’d have to sell $30m of dropshipped mugs to get out of the deficit

sorry for having a conversation on your post maia timestamp is from the brick fartly blog (@emporium) idr when you got deleted

i always wonder what people who find me on recommended lists of users to follow from reddit or youtube must think. especially the ones who have never been to the mines before. like oh gramercy didn’t your distribution network just have its initial public offering? you just saw my name scrawled on an iceberg from the shuffleboard deck on your unsinkable cruise ship? you’ve never been out of a walled garden before you poor thing, what’s your true name? would you like a pomegranate seed? sweet juniper jesus. i just spilled tea all over my raspberry pie keyboard (slices another keyboard off of the pie) alright the redditor is stunned i don’t know what to do about the youtuber

i’ve been mentally sketching out a set of rules and strategies for what a “terf-reporting discord” might look like and so far what i have is

  • anonymized. do not use your primary discord account, this is to protect you in case of infiltration. do not use it to meet other people on the server, it’s best if none of us know who the others are. this does introduce its own problems (like infiltration)
  • using a secondary account to submit reports is also recommended, this is to protect you in case of retaliation from staff. compartmentalization is key, do not make it easy to affiliate your secondary accounts with your primary ones
  • prioritize mass-reporting terfs who have genuinely said something that is obviously and indefensibly way out of line, and continue submitting reports until they are deleted. if this gives a better understanding of how the reporting process works, sufficient to target what i would call “insignificant outlying terfs,” it may be worthwhile, but i think simply getting rid of the loudest and worst would go a long way
  • evidence that they have remade is a golden ticket. it’s easier to get someone banned again if they’ve been banned before, doubly so if they admit their previous url
  • hopefully this is obvious, but targeting someone who is 30 is preferable to targeting someone who is 15
  • do not interact with them. while i can see utility to infiltrating their circles to disrupt them or gain information on how to find and report them again beyond a remake, i don’t think it’s worth it, particularly because it provides them counteroffensive ammunition and it would be easy to get crypto-terf-jacketed
  • while i think we are well past the point where this can be attributed solely to incompetence, there are several facts about the incompetence that could be useful. i believe the way the reporting process works involves automating the priority of the queue for manual review based on number of reports. one person reporting a large number of accounts will likely go nowhere, if not being automatically discarded
  • i wouldn’t rule out buying off moderators, since that’s what they’ve done, but i can’t imagine how to begin that process and i can’t foresee it ending well
  • we’ve talked a lot about litigation, since it does have a proven track record. is anyone willing to put their whole legal name in the public record in order to actually do it? (if so, it may be best to administrate that entirely separately, with no overlapping actors)
  • i say this every day as general best practice advice, but again, don’t use the app! use firefox with adblock, privacy badger, and noscript. this is, again, to protect you by minimizing available data collection

unfortunately i don’t know anything about administrating a discord server so this is all a bit academic. unless there’s enough interest to actually follow through. in which case i’m botching my own rules by posting this on main but i’m not really sure how else to gauge interest