
a set of icons labeled filer, kettle, another filter actually, coffeepot, cup, me (this one is a haunted tree stump), terrible postsALT

people are always asking me, “what’s a flowchart for your process?” and i am always saying “Thhhank yoou foorr heellppinngg… I neeedd 2 moorree ffoodss… 1 hour and 59 minutes. Please hurry! Ghostkersandwich and Almost Gummy Rat (Lime)”

i don’t think luca guadagnino is a good director… it was set designer, preexisting story, and actors that carried suspiria. changed ending was not an improvement. he doesn’t have anything in his toolkit but a brass plaque engraved with the word “edgy.” i have opinions about the other films too but they’re meaner. as much as i want to defend the right to gay mediocrity i can’t do that in good conscience when it’s so unqueer. i just don’t really want to watch movies by someone who resigned from the communist party over an argument with a newspaper editor. that’s weak. have a conviction for god’s sake, it’ll make your work so much less aimless. but i suppose that’s the only way he could find success in this econ–(pursued by dogs)


The employees at the 37th street Potbelly Sandwich Shop give you free cookies if they fuck up your order and also now that I’m walking there in person I’ve realized that I ran in there once to escape from a horrible date who was pursing me around Manhattan like a slasher movie bad guy and they told him to stop and chased him away. Cause sometimes guys just don’t stop until an external party tells them to. Blessed franchise


Clearly I should have given them more of a chance but I was mentally weak. I went inside this place exactly once when I was working for the megacorp. I could never figure out what to eat in that area but my coworkers dug it, so I walked in one day and I started sweating immediately. There were too many stages in the assembly of the meal--it's probably not overly complex in real life but I started delusionally panicking from just glancing at the like decision tree menu and how they were going to route me through more than one line to manufacture my custom desires and it was way too much for me. Too many people, too much discussion, please just give me [predetermined ingredient stack] and let me leave. But to make matters worse, even though the layout was like any totally normal Subway-type of place and it was just 2pm, there was a guy posted up in the middle of the floor with a guitar, mic, and amplifier playing "Creep" by Radiohead, loudly. As I stood there paralyzed a couple came in behind me and they didn't get any further inside than I did because the woman froze. I heard the guy say "Is this too much?" and she stammered "Yeah I can't do this."

The food is probably better than a lot of what I settled for though. One place I often went due to convenience and decision paralysis was just this vast field of buffet tubs containing samples of every known ethnic food. The place had a weird smell that I eventually realized wasn't just the melange of different seasonings; it was that almost every single thing was laid out on top of a bed of coarsely chopped, steamy, wilty onions. I have never in my life seen this presentation anywhere else and it was very disturbing.

thats exactly what potbelly is like also one time my friends got teargassed in there (not 37th st) by the cops opening the door throwing a canister in and closing it again which seems a bit overly sensitive when they don't even have any pigs in the branding

one thing none of the boeing starliner articles are mentioning is that they do have a backup return vehicle. probably two of them. the soyuz capsules

this cannot be admitted because it would somehow be even more embarrassing for boeing than admitting they knew about retaliation against dead whistleblowers in a congressional hearing, to have to fall back on a 60yo soviet-designed technology, because privatizing the space program is clearly not working

i don’t really know how many astronauts or soyuz capsules are currently at the ISS but i would guess two capsules, three-seat capacity, and seven astronauts (this is bog standard but usually the incoming launch vehicle doesn’t fail), so, they are short one seat unless the starliner suddenly becomes functional (or if they launch a replacement return vehicle, which seems likeliest). which is a huge problem in case of emergency evacuation, an ever-lingering possibility given that a russian module has been sealed off due to undiagnosed and unresolved air leaks. probably the same module they’d have to go through to get to the soyuz capsules, but again, that’s a guess on my part

this would all seem to imply something about capitalist economy as terror management. the US jingoist contingent is personally, existentially invested in capitalism’s eternal supremacy, which i would call a laughably misplaced error in judgment and lack of foresight

i would hate to be among the doe-eyed coterie of NASA outreach scientists right now, phrasing any of this optimistically is beyond me (“incredible opportunity” for “invaluable data” and so on, according to boeing program VP… how monstrous, to say that while juggling people’s lives and dropping the ball)

gemini ass website 🙄

another thing that’s been sticking to the roof of my mouth lately is like “why are toothpaste tubes so poorly designed” “surely we as a society can do better than paper flour bags” well besties. i hate to say it. but they are simply not designed for us! they’re designed to be the cheapest good-enough option for industrial production and warehousing. end-user experience is a piddling consideration at best, maybe considered in a quarter when profits are down if you’re lucky, and forget it if it conflicts with being shelf-stable and stackable, or if it makes the production line more difficult to automate. like the superficial observation that we as a society could do better is correct but unfortunately you have to dig deeper (have we tried another economic model yet? oh, right – it got operation condored)

ruminating on the confluence of features that prevent people from getting into new music… people do rely on trusted friends to tell them what’s cool instead of figuring it out for themselves. most people rely on hearing it from multiple people at once and calling it “buzz,” and that’s not so much a result of influencer marketing as the original cause of it, but it’s nevertheless incredibly susceptible to covert marketing manipulation. labels benefit from recycling old music that they still hold one of the copyrights to. monopolizing the industry with a few huge names collimates profits towards the most amenable contracts (again, for the label) and of course i do understand why swarming toward bigger names is more fun, because there are more people there

radio frequency allocation has long since been chopped up and sold off to uh, several churches (who mostly hold AM talk radio, so that’s irrelevant) and a handful of radio station holding companies, so it’s trivial to buy airplay for payola when you can book the whole country in one perfunctory email, to a company your label established a relationship with long ago because it’s been the only game in town (and who even still listens to radio anyway, besides the workforce where devices aren’t allowed, arguably a larger portion of the music-listening public than streaming subscribers)

and just down at the base of it, liking music is made out of familiarity. you like what you’ve spent time with, so it’s simply more difficult to find likeable new music instead of putting the same old favored tracks on repeat. i just did this with jill scott’s debut album, had it playing in my car for solidly six weeks until i got a new kali uchis cd (who i already know and like). because fundamentally it was unobjectionable, relatable, and easy to listen to (unlike, i hate to say it, miseducation of lauryn hill, which was an extremely difficult listen that i could only stomach about twice because she was trying to play israel/palestine bothsidesism long before anybody else). and that’s part of the problem too – nobody wants to get into an artist of their own volition only to be slapped with an unacceptable controversy

on top of that, most of the time it’s a slog through a neverending stream of mediocrity to find something good, overlooking mediocre lyrics to focus on good production or vice versa. even at best, your local “music guy” is always getting there from the “similar artists” feature on any number of services. and even beyond that, when you really get down to brass tacks and follow a bunch of music publications on RSS, you spend a lot of time scrolling past an unappealing headline and thumbnail going “ugh, who?” until somebody gets two articles published about them and thus seems familiar. and even still, knowing all this, i’m going “WHAT do i have to do to cultivate a following willing to be the first like on a soundcloud link” and trying to sidestep the problem by reblogging somebody else’s post of the same link, thus gifting it the illusion of review by two separate parties, which still doesn’t work because nobody comes to the infinite scroll website to stop scrolling and listen. extremely dismal state of affairs for the information superhighway and i haven’t even touched on the death of piracy