work in progress (Posts tagged security)

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letsgirit asked:

It would be good if the error message "welcome back! It's time to change your password" become optional, not mandatory.

When this message appears and if a person could not change the password, then that person cannot access the account. That is because the password change is mandatory.

It would be great if it becomes optional, and user can freely decide whether to change password or just skip it.

Thank you.

Answer: Hey there, @letsgirit!

Password resets like this are very important for account safety here on Tumblr (and plenty of other sites!) and are often prompted for very important reasons.

However, if you’re ever not able to get that password reset working, we do have an account recovery process to help as noted here in this handy Help Center article. We hope this helps, and thanks for getting in touch.

feature password account security your suggestions

gravelyorchid asked:

Hi! Maybe third time’s the charm of asking this. I have two separate blogs since I like having the perks of the main blog, now would it be possible to have multiple accounts or even max of 3 logged in to the tumblr app? Instead of logging in and out? Thanks! x

Answer: Hey there @gravelyorchid!

A little good news and bad news here. We will start with the good, just because.

We have actually been looking into solving this kind of problem already as it happens. So yes—we fully agree this would be great to have. There are no guarantees on when a solution may be provided though, unfortunately, at this time.

We will let you know as soon as we do. Have a good day, and thanks for your question!

feature account security blog backend your suggestions

deithwen asked:

Please make it possible to hide users' posts without blocking them. Like, in cases where a person hasn't done anything wrong to be blocked, but you just don't like their posts.

Answer: Hello, @deithwen!

As it turns out, we’ve received this feature request a lot over the years. Usually, it comes in as wanting the ability to “mute” other blogs on Tumblr. While we would love to build it, we’ve balked at it a bit because of its technical and product complexity. Let us explain what that means:

In terms of technical complexity, our current blocking feature is closest to how “muting” would work. Our current blocking feature may seem simple, but it’s very complex because of how big Tumblr is. Every time we fetch a list of blogs for you or anyone on Tumblr, we have to also fetch the list of who you’re blocking, and who’s blocking you, and filter out anyone with that block relationship. This mapping of who’s-blocking-who is stored in a directional way right now, so the “cost” of loading that list gets higher the more people you’re blocking and the more people who are blocking you. If you’re blocking 1,000 blogs, we have to check that list a lot. If you’re being blocked by 1,000 blogs, that’s another big list to check against.

In technical terms, this is a “many-to-many” relationship, which is almost always incredibly difficult to manage while not degrading the experience of using a platform like Tumblr. The more people who are blocking, the harder it is to store those lists in a way that’s easy to check, but we’re working on making it smoother. The vast majority of people don’t block many others, if at all, so it’s never been a huge problem. But the outliers who block thousands of others (or are blocked by thousands of others) can degrade performance for everyone over enough time.

Adding muting would throw on top of that yet another list of blogs to check, increasing the complexity of something that’s already pretty complex. It helps that muting would be one-directional and not bi-directional (as in, it doesn’t matter who’s muting you), but, as that list of muted blogs grows, your experience may degrade further. So we’d need to solve for that, which is definitely doable. It would just take time—and lots of it.

And, as a product, Tumblr is already pretty confusing to people trying to figure out what “blocking” means already, as well as our other filtering options. Up until fairly recently, blocking was almost entirely one-directional, the opposite way you’d expect: blocking made it so the blocked person couldn’t see you, not that you couldn’t see them. We’ve been updating blocking to work both ways instead, which is more common on social media these days. Similarly, the options to filter tags versus content cause a lot of confusion because they don’t work the same way as each other.

So if we wanted to add another filtering option to that mix, “muting” blogs, we’d need to be conscious of how all of those options work together—and are confusing in context with each other. We should really clean up that experience to be more streamlined and simple, not more complex. And I didn’t even mention the oddity of how different settings apply to your primary blog versus your sideblogs if you have more than one blog!

Taken together, it is a great idea for us to clean all of this up, improve our existing options here, and add “muting” for even more control and granularity. Sadly, however, it just isn’t high enough on our list of priorities to tackle anytime soon. We don’t want to simply tack on muting for the sake of doing it—we want to do a better job than that. I hope that makes sense!

Thanks for your question. It was an important one to address. If anything should change here, you will get news through the usual channels: here at WIP, or at @changes

feature dashboard muting blocking account security backend your suggestions

fourcheesecalzone asked:

Some people with mature blogs ask that anyone who follows or interacts with them have their age in their bio to "prove that they aren't a minor." Would it be possible to let people show their birthday that is required when making an account in the description of a blog, or maybe a seperate age section extrapolated from the birthday, since that can't be changed?

Answer: Hey there, @fourcheesecalzone!

So, this is something of a tricky one. Albeit a good one, too.

The general idea of adding more customization options for your identity on Tumblr, like showing your age or your registration date or links to About pages and the like, is certainly something we want to work on someday. We can say this for sure.

However, just your age, on its own, is not something we would want to expose. It would have to come with bigger changes to how we display information about people on the platform. How exactly we tackle these questions is still ongoing, but it’s a good question, and we hope to have updates for you before too long. You will catch these here or over at @changes.

Thanks for your question, and we hope this helps for now. 

feature account security blogs your suggestions

b-a-n-d-e-r asked:

I've noticed you've started doing some work towards giving sideblogs functionality with basic features which is great- can I once again beg you to make it easier to block from a sideblog? currently you have to click to go all the way onto the offensive blog so you can copy the url, get back out of there, go to settings, select the sideblog, scroll to bottom, click blocked blogs, paste url, click ok, then get back to dash... please just allow it as an option from dash like regular blocking or best of all, a "block from all your blogs" option, I BEG you (PS the offered "block from main too" when you block from inbox or messages doesn't work: maybe you could fix that as well, or stop offering it since it isn't actually an existing option)

Answer: Hey, @b-a-n-d-e-r!

Thank you for the feedback, here. We can let you know for sure that we will consider it. It’s certainly a nifty idea, and it would be nice. For now, however, we can confirm this is not on the roadmap as yet.

Watch @changes for any news on this.

feature blocking side blog security backend your suggestions

cyphyree asked:

Deleting a single side-blog is deleting all blogs including the primary one... it seems that this is either a bug or UI being unclear?

Is there a way to delete side blogs without completely erasing all blogs?

Answer: Hello, @cyphyree!

So, we’ve been testing this vigorously and have been unable to reproduce the issue. We have persisted, just in case this is an edge case we haven’t found yet, but we have reached out to you directly for further clarification.

Relatedly, we should note that we have recently made some updates to clarify that deleting the main blog will delete your entire account. The “Delete account” button is now only in Settings, at the bottom, and no longer in your main blog’s settings. You can find out more here in this post from @changes.

Thanks for your question!

feature accounts blogs account security

arunneronthird asked:

any thoughts on adding a whitelist? for example, if i blacklist a show name to avoid discourse or spoilers with the filtering option but follow an artist from that fandom i cannot see their art

Answer: Hey, @arunneronthird!

We understand what you’re looking for! But adding an allowlist (on top of the existing blocklist) makes content filtering more complex—both in terms of engineering and how easy it is for users to learn and use.

At the moment, let’s say you follow an artist, and they post something with a tag in your blocklist. That post will still show on your feed, just with a cover on it. You can click on this cover to reveal the content. While you do need to take an extra click to enjoy this post, we think this is the easiest and the most straightforward solution to this issue—at least for now.

We will give this some thought, though. There may be a better, third way. If there is anything more to say on this question, you will find it here on WIP or over at @changes.

feature blocking security followers backend your suggestions

imetthedevil asked:

Hi there! ❤️

Can you please enable us to make multiple posts public instead of private? I have plenty of private posts that I need to make public all at once and I can't, I have to do it one by one which is unbelievably tedious! Can you please help?

Like we have the option to select multiple posts and make them private, please allow the opposite as well.

Answer: Hey there, @imetthedevil!

This is not a bad idea! We have several thoughts here.

On the one hand, if this was an easy thing to put together, and it might just be, we would like to do this just for feature parity. On the other hand, it is not clear how often this would be used. So we would be hesitant to commit to it while resources are stretched a little thin.

The problem we also have is just the sheer number of buttons there are in the toolbar. It might not fit to have even more.

That said, we will take a look into this when we get the time, so stay tuned on this one. Thanks for your question, and have a good day!

feature posting privacy security backend your suggestions

higherhell asked:

Hello there! I've been curious, particularly since the mutual/follower/etc indicators were added to notifs in the activity feed (love that btw) - is there a chance we could get a toggle in the post editor to limit a post's visibility to only mutuals or only followers or something like that? Or maybe a revamp of private blogs that allows them a few more perks, like receiving/making replies? I think it'd be great for folks who might want to share selfies or personal art with friends without necessarily showing the whole world. The recent addition of being able to turn off reblogs was a great tool in a similar vein, but I'd definitely love to see us given even more visibility controls like these.

Thanks for your hard work, and have a nice day! :)

Answer: Hello there, @higherhell!

This is admittedly incredibly complex to do, but it still might be worthwhile. 

What we can say is that we would love for us to do this: to enable more private/small-group interactions. We have talked about it, possibly, as much as one billion times internally. It has been on our idea backlog before, and the good folks at the @labs blog are working in this direction. We would certainly hope to make it happen someday. 

What we would also add is that the only workaround in the product right now is to create a private group blog, one with those people you want able to see the content you’re trying to share with them privately. That’s the best we can offer right now.

We may well get to this in the future. If so, you will find updates either here on WIP or over at @changes.

feature posting followers notifications security backend your suggestions

digitalisnarcissus asked:

The new Labs collection idea seems good, but I'm a bit concerned about the fact that similar user generated groupings on other sites have been used for abuse purposes. Will there be measures to mitigate this, such as notification, an option to remove yourself, report the collection etc.?

Answer: Hey there, @digitalisnarcissus!

We understand your concerns here, and, speaking frankly, we share them. This is why we are starting with an extremely limited volunteer-based test, which will be closely monitored. And, if anything goes untoward, we’ll take action on it swiftly.

It is for that reason that all of the above is being considered for the beta release, and we hope to learn even more from user feedback. And this is just why we want this kind of feedback early—so please do keep it coming!


—Lara and Cyle

feature labs security your suggestions