work in progress (Posts tagged posts)

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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

stesosongs asked:

hello, i would like all my posts to stay on my “front page”, I don’t want them to go to the archive. is it possible to fix that? it’s for I use it as a portfolio and want it to be an endless feed of posts.

Answer: Hey there @stesosongs!

We must start by saying that we are not entirely sure what you mean here, and so we have reached out to you directly to clarify.  

However, we wonder if this may be a bug with the custom theme you are using—it seems to stop after loading a certain number of posts. We can’t fix that, we are sorry to say, so you’d have to reach out to the theme developer, which you can find here. We hope this helps!

feature dashboard posts account front page your suggestions

vintacha asked:

why would overlays be shown for posts with filtered tags? if tags are filtered, we don't want to see them. instead now we have to scroll through tons of filtered posts for no reason, clogging up our tags and defeating the entire point. can we at least have the option to get rid of the overlays? thanks for reading this,

Answer: Hey, @vintacha!

It’s a long story, so we’ll make it short: there are indeed changes like this we would love to make, and hope to, when we have the bandwidth.

But these are important changes, so we want to make them carefully, and not just throw yet more options into an already-confusing mix. If—and it is an if, at present—we get a chance to take a pass at improving our filtering options, it will probably be more like our community label options, where each one has show, overlay, and skip options.

Thanks for your question, and keep ’em coming y’all.

feature tags overlays filter posts backend your suggestions

ecstaticallyelectrifying asked:

I'm not entirely sure how to word this so apologies if it doesn't make any sense lol but if I look at the trending tags I usually end up seeing a specific post from the 5 or so previews that show up underneath the tag in the search tab that interests me, so I click that post and get taken to the generic tag and end up having to scroll through the tag to find the one post that caught my eye. Admittedly I usually don't try too hard to find the posts but most of the time I don't even find them and just go back to my dash. I wish clicking on the post under trending topics would take me to that actual post in the tag.

I'm hoping that makes sense but tldr I wish if I clicked on one of the posts that are previewed under trending tags I'd get taken to that actual post within the tag (or just the post itself if that's the only way to do it) instead of being taken to the beginning of the tag.

Answer: Hey there, @ecstaticallyelectrifying!

No worries here, we understand what you are asking. 

Perhaps, once clicked, it could open a feed with the specific post on top—as you see on Explore, when clicking on a post from the 3×3 recommendation grid below a post. Leave this with us, in any case. We’ll take a look into it and post on @changes if we have any updates to share. Thanks for getting in touch!

feature posts posting tags your suggestions

vaeriana7 asked:

Alr so, i think you guys should add something to the app! I feel like there should be a way to save posts because ik most people on this app are tired of liking things to save it. So please please add a save feature where we can save posts and make collections for each post to please thx!

Answer: Hey there, @vaebae7!

This one is a matter of some contention. Some folk love using their Likes as a way to save posts, and others would prefer them to be just for saying “I liked your post!”—and to have a dedicated feature for bookmarking things they like.

We will say that building such a system is one of those that sounds simple… but is actually quite complicated. That’s not to say it can’t happen, but given the complexity, differing community opinions, and the fact that we’re stretched a bit thin right now, this is not one of our current high-priority projects.

This may change in the future, however. And if it does, we will let you know as soon as possible.

Thanks for your question, and have a good day.

feature posts posting save backend your suggestions

Posts are too popular? Worry not. Consider your notifications covered.

Sound familiar?

Broken the internet with a post? We love that for you. What we love a little less is the barrage of likes and reblogs you have probably received. This can be a little intense. A bit much. Stressful, even. And unnecessarily so. 

If your post has gone stratospheric, but you don’t want to completely mute notifications for it, we are working on something that might just help. We are experimenting with grouping your push notifications from anyone you don’t follow into neat, occasional summaries. This will roll out to a small number of you, first as an A/B test, for a limited time.


Why are we doing this?

We hope to steady, streamline, and calm your Tumblr experience when you’re grappling with overwhelming notifications from a popular post or reblog. The goal here is to reduce overload so you can receive the notifications you care about the most—while keeping up to speed with everything else.

In July, you may remember that we turned on post-level muting on the web. We also extended muting to affect your activity feed, as well as your push notifications. This feature is the next step in managing notification overload—one that will make your devices a little more peaceful and, hopefully, work a little more proactively against the problem.

Before and after:



We’re all ears. Let us know what you think in the replies—we would love to hear from you. And we will be back in touch with updates on this test in the near future. 

wip speaks wip posts posting notifications likes reblogs accessibility

felixcloud6288 asked:

Can you add the ability to make tables in posts? Something like a 4 column x 10 row widget would be great, especially for posts that are meant for sharing and comparing information.

Answer: Hey there, @felixcloud6288!

Thanks for your question. It’s definitely a maybe.

As it happens, we actually used to support this long, long ago, but removed it because basically nobody used it. And it was a high maintenance cost to keep around. But it was a pretty nifty feature, so we would consider bringing it back if it were possible. We can’t offer anything more solid than that for now, sadly.

For any updates on this, you can get ‘em here at WIP or at @changes. Maybe someday!


—Cyle and Julia

feature tables posting posts backend your suggestions

lu9 asked:

any plans on improving how posts are embedded on other places like Twitter or Discord? And especially chat services like Discord, as when a post has more than a single image, it'll only show the first image, that's common and stuff but I'm wondering if it'd be possible to show like, at least the first 4? Like Twitter's own embeds.

Answer: Hey there, @lu9!

Now that is a good idea. We could probably do that, and we would certainly like to. With all that is going on right now there is unfortunately no guarantee as to when, but we could try—and we would certainly let you know as and when we do.

Thanks for your question, and keep the feedback coming.



feature posts posting embedding

eater-of-hopes-and-dreams asked:

Hello! When I updated, my mobile dark mode (Android) is behaving oddly. Looking at ask boxes/other blogs specifically is fine, but for my dashboard or my own blog, the background is the right color but all of the posts are still light-mode colored

This makes mobile just about unusable for me--could you fix it? 😭

Answer:Hello, hello, @eater-of-hopes-and-dreams!

Thanks so much for drawing this to our attention. After a small hiccup, we are delighted to say this has now been fixed! Please check out the following changes post:

Warm thanks also to @maplerosekisses, @prawnwar, @mrwiseandshine, @screamsinsilver, @buddhawithoutorgans for also getting in touch with the same issue.


—Julia and Cyle (Tumblr Engineering)

bugs dark mode update android posts backend

unanottedinvernounalettrice asked:

Hi! I was wondering if it is possible to add an area in the dashboard in which we can find a list with our favourite blogs in which we can find all posts published during the week. Sometimes internet is offline and I don't read some particular posts (and their notifications) and than I have to scroll some blogs to find what I like! 😊

Hello, hello, @unanottedinvernounalettrice.

So the closest suggestion we can make would be to enable the “Favs tab” and “Blog Subscriptions tab”, which you can find via Tumblr Labs. Give them a try, as we suspect those might satisfy what you’re asking for here.

To take things really route one, you could always unfollow the stuff you don’t like so much or the inactive blogs, so your dashboard is only favorites. On desktop, you can find and unfollow idle blogs on the Following tab from the drop-down account menu. 

We hope these help, and have a good day!


—Cyle (Tumblr Engineering)

feature blogs posts posting backend your suggestions

an-abyss-called-life asked:

Hello, can you please give users the ability to delete their own comments from others' posts? Thank you!

Hello, @an-abyss-called-life!

The good news is that you can already do this! And it is very straightforward.

On desktop:

  1. First, find the comment you wish to delete.
  2. Then hover to the right of the comment until the ‘three meatballs’ appear.
  3. Click on them, and select “Delete reply” from the options.

On mobile:

  1. First, find the comment you wish to delete.
  2. Using a thumb or finger, press down on this comment until a menu appears from the bottom of the screen.
  3. Finally, select “Delete reply” from the options.

Thanks for your question. We hope this helps!


—Jas (Tumblr Marketing)

feature comments posts backend your suggestions