work in progress (Posts tagged android)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

birbs-in-space asked:

Hello! What are the chances of a paged view being added to the mobile app? I use it on desktop, and it's really great for saving my place and making sure things don't get lost with unintentional reloading or anything like that. Given that doing things on mobile is even more fickle than in a browser since apps are unloaded in the background all the time, I think it would be a great help.

Answer: Hey there, @birbs-in-space!

Chances are zero here, we’re sorry to say.

However, we totally agree that losing your place is a big problem, and it’s one we’re actually dedicating time to fix these days. While we hope to have good news for you before long, it is a tough nut to crack. But we need to make that better, so you don’t need pagination as a workaround.

Thanks for your question. For any updates, keep an eye out here at WIP or over at @changes.



feature page view mobile ios android your-suggestions

ecstaticallyelectrifying asked:

It would be cool if we could see all the notes on a post on mobile. Right now we have comments only, comments & tags, and other reblogs, & I'm always finding myself wanting to see all of them together like how notes used to be read. I love being able to separate the categories but would also like to see them all together.

Answer: Hello there, @ecstaticallyelectrifying!

Thanks for the feedback. As it happens, we are indeed looking at how to make some improvements in this regard—and make it easier to follow branching reblog conversations that are so vital to Tumblr. If we ever start to think more seriously about this, we’ll take this into consideration. Ultimately, what we can say is that we aim to actually improve Reblog trails visualization! This is very much on our to-do list.

We hope this helps, and we are sorry we cannot say more right now. Have a good day!

For any updates here, be sure to stay tuned here at WIP or over at @changes.


—Elena and Maxime

feature notes posting android ios your suggestions

lemonsofjune asked:

what is this weird little symbol with the teeth on feet and how do I make it go away? When I try to click on it I get a message in a red pop-up bar that says “an error has occurred” and between its size and its constant movement the mobile app is near unusable with it.


Answer: Hey, @hailedloco!

That’s a new badge you can earn for your blog! To reward you for, well, for posting a lot.

There was a bug we just fixed that was causing it to get stuck—sorry about that! This should now be fixed for you fine folk.



feature badge teeth iOS android

theirprofoundbond asked:

Hey! Any plans to add navigation to a blog's custom pages within the app? I was really surprised to find my links weren't visible and that they didn't work at all when I added them to a pinned post. I loved the ability to pin a post but additional custom pages—about, before you follow, tags—are really useful to have and it seems strange you can't even get to them within the app.

Answer: Hey, @theirprofoundbond!

So, a microcosm of good news here: we can say that right now we are thinking about it. Sadly there is nothing more to add here for now, but for any updates, you will be the first to know over at @changes.

Thanks for your suggestions, it’s much appreciated. Have a lovely day!



feature custom pages posting ios android

captain-acab asked:

Hey, just in case it's not on your radar, in the Android app (idk about other platforms), you can't post a tag that's EXACTLY 140 characters. If you type out a 140-char tag, then when you press comma or Enter, it interprets it as a 141st character.

(In the first screenshot below I pressed comma, which actually typed out the comma character; in the second I pressed enter, which actually created a newline)


Answer: Hey, @captain-acab!

We’re afraid to say this is a bug on Android, but the good news is that we are already aware and will work on a fix very soon! So keep an eye on @changes for updates, here.

This is also a good chance to remind you fine folk to please send issues such as these to Support, and not WIP—the former is the better, faster, and even proper avenue for getting them resolved.

Thanks for your questions, and have a lovely week!



bugs tags android

shatteredminds asked:

Hi, I was wondering if you guys have ever considered implementing coding in colors for mobile users. I read somewhere that we used to be able to codes in to change text color before but it was taken out for some reason. Though this was before I got on Tumblr.

As a roleplayer on Tumblr who also has many characters, I like to assign diffrent colors for their text, this is especially helpful since I don't have icons for them all. However since there's only seven colors available on mobile (I'm on a Samsung) it can get confusing if two characters have the same color text and one doesn't have icons.

Before anything is said, I was on desktop Tumblr first before my laptop went and stopped working and even then I didn't know about the text coding thing. So I feel a bit envious for desktop Tumblr users being able to color code text now that I've been mobile bound for a year.

This is in no way saying to take that ability to code text away from desktop user's, it's just me saying that I feel that other mobile bound roleplayers could benefit from having that ability as well. Or at least the ability to imput a hex code in when we highlight the text in question.

Answer: Hey hey, @shatteredminds!

There is not a great deal we can say for this right now, but what we can say is this—we *love* this idea very much, and we are seriously considering adding it at some point in the future. There is unfortunately nothing more concrete to be said with regards to a timeframe, for example.

If we have anything further to add here, we will do so through WIP or indeed through @changes. You’ll be the first to know!


—Caroline and Javi

feature color coding posting android ios your suggestions

betterthanyoubaybays-deactivate asked:

possibly suggesting an easier way to change tumblr themes (for the desktop version of our blog). It’s kinda difficult to do it on anything that isn’t an actual computer, i don’t have the app so i’m unsure how it works there.

Answer: Hey, @maxinejacobfriedman!

Thanks for your question, here—for this, we would suggest sending in feedback or a question over at Support.



feature themes iOS android your suggestions

screwtornadowarningsimsouthern asked:

I don’t know if y’all have answered this already, but can mobile users see the crabs on their dashboards if they’ve been gifted crabs?

Answer: Hello, @screwtornadowarningsimsouthern!

Great news. Yes! Summoning crabs is out to all platforms, including mobile apps. The button with which to summon said crustaceans appear in the profile view under your blog name and description in mobile apps, on your blog screen.


Thanks for your question, and have a lovely day.


—Héctor, Cyle, and Rasmy

feature crabs dashboard mobile ios android

dorothygale asked:

happy monday! with theme customization on mobile, would it be possible to have an option to preview your theme WITH the askbox button? just to get the ✨Full Effect✨ of what it looks like to other people. thanks!!

Answer: Hello, @sweetrevelation!

As it happens, we very much agree. Every one of our previews (themes, posts, whatever) should be as accurate as possible in reflecting the end state you’re customizing. We will take a look at this.

And just so we’re super clear on what preview you’re referring to, please take a screenshot of it and send it to us via the Support form, and we’ll get on it right away.



feature themes mobile ios android

burningcoffeetimetravel asked:

Why don't at.tumblr links don't work when trying to open them on the Android app? I assume this is a bug? I've noticed this for a while, ans even opening them in a browser then using it to open in the app just leads to a long loading screen then it's right back to the top of the dash.

Answer: Hey there, @burningcoffeetimetravel!

Thank you for getting in touch. There are several possibilities here.

We have just tested this and can open links just fine on the Android app. So it might be that Branch is blocked somehow, maybe at a DNS level. Or maybe you have not yet updated your app?

It is also possible that you have found a bug, so we will take a look at this as soon as possible and see if anything needs fixing. In the meantime, we would invite you to submit a Support ticket regarding this issue with any and every supporting information and materials you can.

Thanks for your question, and keep them coming.



bug links android