a gifset about The X Files. gif 1 of 10. three shots are blended together: one of Scully is holding an X-Ray of her skull, another of her doing the same but at a distance and finally a shot of Mulder and Scully looking at X-Rays together. at the center, there's the moving graphic of a heartbeat. the heartbeat animation is red, while the rest of the gif is in black and white. the text says, "for the first time, i feel time like a heartbeat".ALT
gif 2 of 10. three shots are blended together: one of Scully noticing a nosebleed alone, another of her cleaning her nose next to Mulder and finally a shot of them with ther backs to the camera, with Scully looking at Mulder while two shiny dots fly through the sky. there's an animated hourglass at the center. inside the hourglass, there's an eye that seems to bleed when a drop of liquid goes from upper part of the object to the lower part. the hourglass is entirely red, while the rest of the gif is in black and white. the text says, "the seconds pumping in my breast like a reckoning".ALT
gif 3 of 10. three shots are blended together: two of Scully wearing a plastic medical mask and one of a corpse decomposing on a field of red flowers, already in the skeleton stage. besides the red flowers in the field, there are red petals slowly flying through the gif. the rest of the gif is in black and white. the text says, "the numinous mysteries that once seemed so distant and unreal, threatening clarity in the presence of a truth entertained not in youth but only in its passage".ALT
gif 4 of 10. two shots are blended together: one of Mulder approaching Scully with flowers and a smile, another of him crying at Scully's bedside while she's asleep. at the center, there's an animated red bouquet of flowers. the rest of the gif is in black and white. the text says, "i feel these words as if their meaning were weight being lifted from me knowing that you will read them and share my burden as I have come to trust no other".ALT
gif 5 of 10. three shots are blended together, all of different angles of Mulder holding Scully close and kissing her forehead. at the center, there's a dying red rose in motion as it dies. the rest of the gif is in black and white. the text says, "that you should know my heart, look into it, finding there the memory and experience that belong to you, that are you, is a comfort to me now as I feel the tethers loose".ALT
gif 6 of 10. three shots are blended together: someone holding a skull X-Ray, Mulder and Scully looking at each other in the rain and a shot of Scully breaking down crying. at the center, there's an animation a red brain scan. the rest of the gif is in black and white. the text says, "and the prospects darken for the continuance of a journey that began not so long ago".ALT
gif 7 of 10. three shots are blended together: a shot of Mulder being approached by an UFO, Mulder's profile while he talks and a shot of Scully kissing Mulder's forehead. at the center, there's an animation of someone being abducted by a spaceship, its color completely red. the rest of the gif is in black and white. the text says, "and which began again with a faith shaken and strengthened by your convictions".ALT
gif 8 of 10. two shots are blended together: one of Mulder kissing Scully's hand and another of her reluctantly letting go his hand while he walks away from medical bed. at the center, there's an animation of a pair of holding hands, its color completely red. the rest of the gif is in black and white. the text says, "if not for which I might never have been so strong now as I cross to face you".ALT
gif 9 of 10. three shots of Scully smiling at Mulder slowly fade into each other. in the last one, she seems very sick. at the center, there's an animated red heart. the rest of the gif is in black and white. the text says, "and look at you, incomplete, hoping that you will forgive me...".ALT
gif 10 of 10. two shots are blended together: a close up of Scully in a hospital bed, and another of Scully getting closer to Mulder as he holds her in his arms. those two shots slowly fade away into complete blackness. as that happens, an animated heartbeat graphic at the center of the gif, that had peaks and lows before, goes completely flat. the heartbeat graphic eventually dissolves into nothing. the text says, "for not making the rest of the journey with you". end ID.ALT


day five — favorite arc

For the first time, I feel time like a heartbeat.

Dana Scully, MEMENTO MORI | 4.14.

@lgbtqcreators creator bingo 💖 black and white.

[hourglass credit] [id in alt]