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Please go to settings>Glyph Interface and choose to enable/disable it. Or find the Glyph Settings by swiping down the notification bar and clicking it to adjust the settings.

To pair Ear (1) with most typical Bluetooth devices:1) Ensure that your chosen device has Bluetooth on, and is within 10 meters (33 feet) of Ear (1).2) While Ear (1) is charging in the case, long press the case button for 2 seconds.3) Search for Ear (1) in your device's Bluetooth menu, and connect.You can also use the Nothing App for guided connections.On iOS devices, you will see two options on the Bluetooth device list related to Ear (1): "Nothing Ear (1)" and "Ear (1) App". Please connect to "Nothing Ear (1)" for all core earbud functions (i.e. audio, microphone, ANC).The "Ear (1) App" option is only for customising your earbuds (e.g. EQ and gesture control settings) and must be used in conjunction with the Nothing App.

The standard delivery usually take from 3-5 working days.However, the shipping times depend on local courier and other unpredictable factors, which may take 2-4 weeks.

Wired charging time:The phone takes 60 minutes to fully charge from 0 to 100%.Wireless charging time:110 minutes to charge from 0 to 100%.Tips for charging:Please use the official charging adapter for best results.Do not use the phone while charging.During the charging process, please stay away from high temperature areas. Charge at room temperature where possible.

The Glyph Interface are the five light components on the back of Phone (1) that provide you with a new way to communicate and interact with Phone (1). Each of the preloaded Nothing ringtones and notification sounds have a bespoke, handcrafted Glyph pattern associated to it, lighting up the Glyph Interface in sync with audio and vibration.

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