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Ear and Ear (a) just dropped. Meet our new audio line-up here.

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US Developer Program 

Our powerfully unique new smartphone Phone (2a) is now available in the US.

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Phone (2a)

A new icon is born.

Powerfully unique from the inside out.



Sound, evolved.

Our best-ever audio experience.

ear ( a )

Ear (a)

Let’s play.

Made for every part of every day.



Community Edition

An industry first co-creation project empowering our community to build a smartphone of their own imagination.

Design, submit and vote for the (2a) that you want to see go into production.

phone (2)

Phone (2)

A new era. Where iconic design meets premium performance. 

Come to the bright side. 



Nothing Apparel

Drop 1 has landed. 

Our Transparent Labcoat and Cap are available to buy now.

Available in limited quantities only.

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  • Highsnobiety

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  • GQ

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