The Fortress of Hera — Not really a fan of making these types of posts,...

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Not really a fan of making these types of posts, but

My kid found a severely injured month old kitten in the street a couple weeks back. Ants and flies over her, exposed drying bones severe. Took her to the vet. Immediately took her to surgery (god bless my vet he is the kind of person that restores my faith in humanity). Managed to save her and her leg. She even walks somewhat normally these days and she couldn't even get up when we found her. Photos a couple days and post surgery:


You guessed where this is going:

Now, vet's been paid since back then. Problem is, I live paycheck to paycheck (generous expression), and have no such thing as "emergency funds" or "savings" or even "credit card". But I couldn't let this krechur on the street and clearly nobody else was gonna help as according to the vet's estimate, the injury was at least several hours old (and again, the whole ants already eating her business)

If you'd like to help me out and could spare a buck or two so that I can cry less about this unexpected punch my bank account took, I'd eternally appreciate it and that's no exaggeration. You can drop it in my incredibly active ko-fi:

(more convenient than a paypal address I think)

Thanks for reading anyway. Take care of yourselves ❤️