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Are you allowed to use an image found on the internet for your thesis, dissertation or educational material? Who owns the copyright on a submitted thesis or completed research project? What do you need to consider when submitting an article to a publisher for publication? And what is permissible when putting together a reading list for students?

This copyright guide is based on the Dutch Copyright Act ('Auteurswet 1912'). Questions about copyright? Mail to [email protected]

Copyright in education and research

Students, lecturers and researchers often use and reuse third-party materials in works such as teaching materials or a thesis. The Copyright Act allows portions of a work to be used without the permission of the copyright holder, provided that certain rules are observed.

Detailed and practical information on copyright in higher education can be found on the website of the Copyright Information Points Network in the Netherlands.

On this Copyright Information Site of the UvA you will find information for: