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Pop-up exhibitions

During the course of the academic year the Library organises pop-up exhibitions. These exhibitions focus on (parts of) the library collection. Wherever possible, a link is made between information specialists and curators of the Library and the Allard Pierson on the one hand and the education and research of the UvA on the other. These exhibitions are temporary in nature and can be viewed at one or more library locations.

Previous examples include:


The philosopher Schopenhauer once said that reading is 'thinking with someone else’s head'. The Library’s reading club, leesclUB, does that and much more. The members of the club meet on an ad hoc basis. Each session focuses on an accessible work that participants study in advance. This may be a book, but it can also be a website, map, Insta feed, etc.

All UvA students are welcome to attend the leesclUB. Every leesclUB is hosted by the discipline that is most closely associated with the work that is being read. The clUBhost may be a study association, a working group or an individual student. The clUBhost receives help from the Library in preparing the format and content of the session. The leesclUB sometimes also invites a VIP, such as the author of the work or someone who is closely involved with it, to attend the session to provide more in-depth insights.  

Enrich your knowledge and that of others!

Previous examples include:

  • LeesclUB during book week June 2021, during which the Book Week book was read. The Club host was the study association Helios from Dutch Studies. The VIP was Hanna Bervoets, author of the Book Week book and UvA graduate.

Would you like to host a leesclUB?

If so, please email [email protected].

Mens in Residence

Mens in Residence is a residential space in the Library that allows the guest to find inspiration from the collection, the building, the locations, the people and/or other aspects of the Library during a one-month residency. Guests include artists, scientists, students, local residents, lecturers, etc. During their residency, guests work on a final presentation. The format of this presentation is at their discretion; it can be an activity or event but it can also be an artwork, column or photo.

Previous examples include:

Want to apply for Mens in Residence?

Email your reasons and a brief description of your idea to [email protected].

Up for Grabs

With Up for Grabs, someone associated with the UvA recommends a book from the Library’s collection. This will be something that this person feels everyone should read. The book concerned then travels between the various library locations where it is presented as part of a mini-exhibition. The books from the mini-exhibition can be borrowed immediately. There’s a new Up for Grabs book every three weeks.

The person who recommends the book is interviewed by library worker Janna van Veen and explains why they chose the book concerned. These interviews can be read at the mini-exhibition and are published on

Previous examples include:

Got a recommendation?

If so, please email [email protected].

Erasmus+ Staff Exchange Week

Each year in the month October, the libraries of Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit jointly organise the Erasmus+Staff Exchange Week for librarians. Colleagues from participating countries are invited to share experiences on topics that concern a modern library for higher education. During this multi-day event knowledge is exchanged by presenting ideas and solutions to each other.

By means of this exchange, the UvA / AUAS Library hopes to be able to improve our services and anticipate new trends and future demands from our communities.

Edition 2023

From Monday 2 to Friday 6 October 2023, the libraries of three institutions of higher education in Amsterdam organised an Erasmus+ Staff Week. The theme of this event was: Research and Education supported by Amsterdam libraries. Information on the 2024 edition will follow later this year.