The Starplet System — r/systemscringe and its contemporaries would also...

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Anonymous asked:

r/systemscringe and its contemporaries would also fakeclaim me because I don't reach their designated baseline of trauma???

Fascinating how they would throw out "real systems" (read: traumagenic systems, but this is how they think) along with the "fake" ones in the effort to defend their community.

Anyways, I have trauma that I will never remember because I was like less than a year old but only the trauma I remember counts, right???

In summary, from a traumagenic system with complicated opinions on endos: r/systemscringe is incredibly ableist to everyone around them, even if they'd support them in principle.

sophieinwonderland answered:



Yeah but they also half the time don’t even think DID or OSDD is real so… Even if you did reach their shitty baseline of what’s bad enough, they would still probably fake claim you for some reason or another. They would fake claim me, just because of this blog or because I support endogenic systems. They don’t care how people act either online or in real life, no one is safe. Even if I would be considered “legit enough” if they met me in real life. To them, there is no “perfect” DID system/“perfect” survivor. At least not enough to deem them as “actually real.” Because of course not. If you’ve ever seen what happens to people who basically out themselves on that sub, you would know it’s a blood bath. They do not care.

These are the people we’re arguing with. Don’t take what they have to say at all. They literally don’t care about you, they don’t care about the disorder, and they don’t care about people who are actually affected. And they wonder why we call them a harassment subreddit…


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