The Starplet System

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Anonymous asked:

r/systemscringe and its contemporaries would also fakeclaim me because I don't reach their designated baseline of trauma???

Fascinating how they would throw out "real systems" (read: traumagenic systems, but this is how they think) along with the "fake" ones in the effort to defend their community.

Anyways, I have trauma that I will never remember because I was like less than a year old but only the trauma I remember counts, right???

In summary, from a traumagenic system with complicated opinions on endos: r/systemscringe is incredibly ableist to everyone around them, even if they'd support them in principle.

sophieinwonderland answered:



Yeah but they also half the time don’t even think DID or OSDD is real so… Even if you did reach their shitty baseline of what’s bad enough, they would still probably fake claim you for some reason or another. They would fake claim me, just because of this blog or because I support endogenic systems. They don’t care how people act either online or in real life, no one is safe. Even if I would be considered “legit enough” if they met me in real life. To them, there is no “perfect” DID system/“perfect” survivor. At least not enough to deem them as “actually real.” Because of course not. If you’ve ever seen what happens to people who basically out themselves on that sub, you would know it’s a blood bath. They do not care.

These are the people we’re arguing with. Don’t take what they have to say at all. They literally don’t care about you, they don’t care about the disorder, and they don’t care about people who are actually affected. And they wonder why we call them a harassment subreddit…


Anonymous asked:

Saw the post about communication tips and we don't know how to nicely shorten it down, so we're just sending it as an ask. My apologies!!!

(Not trying to be mean, just letting you know our experience!!) Once we realized we were a system, it took four years for a lot of communications to kick in, so keep that context in mind! (not mean).

Something that helped us was journaling, a classic. People wrote about their day, stuff they found funny, the weather- anything. While we tried to sign-off, not everybody did and that was okay. Opening up that dialogue was what mattered. Overtime, multiple people signed off on the same day. Big step for us.

Something else that helped was just leaving little notes around our room. I even found doodles. People would reply to them overtime like a messaging board.

Surprisingly, a camera helped too. We have an instax camera that we take photos of "us" with! We either pose like there's multiple people, dress in a combo of everyone's style, have something that represents them (like a rupee for Link and a bow for Hello Kitty /example), or some combination.

What we mainly do now is play MineCraft. A private world that everybody can play on. We don't know why it really helped boost communication, but it did. People who couldn't cross certain barriers suddenly roomed with each other in-game. I think having that virtual world with no limits, bartering, pranks, and sharing helped so much. Maybe a little bit of competitiveness drove us too ("Ha! I've got the most diamonds and you'll never find them!"). So silly, but MineCraft has helped so much for us. You can make rules for the world or have it be wild, it's adaptable in a certain sense.

For us, having something for anyone and everyone to interact with or just leave a mark, helped us a lot. Our communication was built up overtime.

So sorry for the long blab, but I do feel like it wouldn't make sense without as much typing as I did </3

Really do hope this helps!! Communication can be hard, so don't stress too much or overthink it (and don't beat yourself up over it).

You got this!!

(all genuine in tone)

Thank you so much for this!! /gen We were doing okay with communication, but then summer hit so things have gotten hard again. Unfortunately, journaling is really tough for us because of ADHD and distinct lack of major object perminance… We give it a shot every now and then, though, just in hope it will stick one day. We don’t really have distinctive styles either, we mostly just wear the same stuff we always wear… I do like the picture idea though. Actually, our Fiance has a digital collage of the selfies we send, so trying to keep one for ourselves might be helpful! We haven’t tried the bulletin bord type idea yet, but that’s a good one! Hopefully with it being around it will be more noticable than just a journal that’s likely to get lost in the sea of our room. We haven’t thought of the minecraft one. I think we’ll deffinately try to do the minecraft one asap, since that really appeals to me at least, hopefully it will for other’s too since we grew up with that game.

Like I said, thank you so much!! I really really apprciate it /gen


Even though we are a system formed from trauma, it’s not our place to gaslight and gatekeep people who are trying to seek help and understand themselves.

We will always be pro-endo and if you have a problem with than then fuck off and die in a ditch somewhere.


Hard agree


At first I read it as a joke but antis really do gaslight, don’t they? “You can’t trust your own experience of reality, so listen to me instead.”


Yuuup. Thats exactly what it is. If you’re still not listening to them in their “nice” attempts to get you to “stop faking”, they go more drastic and go into actual gaslighting, calling you “crazy” and “delusional”. And if that doesn’t work, they attack in droves. They send nazi shit to you, they send death threats. At least until you’re no longer interesting enough for them. (They move on to the next target for a brief period of time.) It’s fucking gross. You would think for a group of trauma survivors, they would be less inclined to force others through psychological trauma.

Guess what they say is true. Hurt people hurt people…


should i remake shattered systems "the future is singlet" art piece in my own epic pro system pro awesome way?



I hope this doesn’t come off as creepy We just really like y’alls art a lot keep it up btw the future is plural We’re also artists just not often posting our work on this account

Unironically, can anyone drop communication tips? We… struggle a lot with that. We have nearly guaranteed with Taylor, and very hit or miss (more like one way) communication with one of our littles. Everyone else kinda just happens when they happen. Therapy is very light going and we can’t exactly afford more therapy at this juncture. We would love to have more, but we can’t afford it, so thats a nonstarter…

Any tips on how to make things easier for us that won’t cost a bunch of money would be great, thank you :)

plural community plural stuff actually did did osdd plural system pluralgang traumagenic system did system dissociative system actually dissociative dissociative identities dissociative alters complex dissociative disorder dissociation dissociative identity disorder traumagenic actually traumagenic traumagenic did other specified dissociative disorder plural gang actually plural plurality plural didblr didosdd osddid did community