• @salamanderdude

    I own you

  • Replying to comment by: Max animatezComment what you think

    beyblades are a very \”can\’t let gang know i fw this\” type thing, but theyre sick as hell, i love watching metal tops slam into each other

  • Replying to comment by: slightly queer wackahttps://ibb.co/9vy26Fc

    fire ass image

  • Replying to comment by: Tellure LennetAm I the only only one who’s had the Sonic Underground theme

    i have it stuck in my head cuz if those old Mario Show cartoon dvds, it played the opening of Sonic Underground at the end of like every episode, and I watched those discs a lot

  • Replying to comment by: CussLook I don't think you're a pedo, like everyone really wou


    I also want to say to you, quit being so quick to pull the trigger in everything on this site. Some people deserve it, but I\’m pretty sure this kid was trying a misguided and ultimately incorrect approach at showing his support and appreciation to someone who he wanted to be friends with, although he was pushy and came on strong in the process. I don\’t think his intention was to flirt, and you immediately attacking him and calling him a pedophile isn\’t going to help him come to the conclusion that he did something wrong in the right way. He made her uncomfortable yes, but immediately going out and attacking him for it instead of demanding an apology and explaining his wrong doing, then calling him a pedophile isnt it girl. I need you to think about what you say and the circumstances surrounding things before you go after people, because this is not the first time

  • Replying to comment by: KaiZillaI do not wanna be a pedo

    Look I don\’t think you\’re a pedo, like everyone really would like to paint you as, without seeming to have actual regard for how genuinely serious that is. But I think you came on strong to someone you don\’t know anything about, and thats not great. Then using your idk the right word for it that isn\’t offensive, but your autism to absolve yourself of blame doesn\’t work either. People are accountible for their actions, you made a mistake by coming on strong wether meaning to or not, you made that girl uncomfortable and the best thing you could\’ve done was apologize. Now, I know that\’s not exactly easy considering you were nigh immediately speared by half the active online community, and that makes it overwhelming to assess your actions and apologize, but I think apologizing and laying out your intentions is the best option, as you made someone uncomfortable, intentionally or not. Reflect on your behavior, and don\’t do it again.

    I also don\’t think you are the age you say you are, autistic or not you act like a 12 year old

  • Replying to comment by: Kaiju-ManiacYTANNOUNCEMENT: At 09:09 PM, Robert Adam/Malkah got banned fro

    thank fucking god

  • Replying to comment by: // Flashlock AnimatorBirthday.

    holy shit me too

  • Replying to comment by: Python [ABANDONING ACCOUNT PROBABLY]Women ☕️

    please refrain from comedy attempts until you learn the basics of humor

  • Replying to comment by: Gaycionekyou're*

  • Replying to comment by: PouzoniaWhat’s the deal with gay people?

    what? you shut up bro. the devil is gay, God is straight and if you think about it the government is turning or converting ppl to being gay to decrease the population, it only facts not an opinion, look up something about the gay agenda and if you look hard enough you’ll find out. and so LGBTQ is pathetic, just because some straight guy gets rejected from a girl they want to turn gay? this community is getting soft and also LGBTQ is breaking normal ppl hearts, just to think about how a straight girl dating a straight man would go and date a man, you guys think it’s ok. Y’all got to be stupid. y’all only think about yourselves but when you need support or anything you expect someone to help you. You guys are not ppl ur just selfish, you don’t see the full picture, it might be cool for you to be gay but you don’t know how other ppl might feel about that. That’s why I don’t like LGBTQ because it’s just poison. Every straight person has this reason in their hearts, LGBTQ is being shoved in out mouths and the government is expect EVERYONE to like it. They are now putting it in little kids shows and turning the little kids gay, THIS WORLD IS HORRIBLE. and the adults are worse you guys don’t even make sure your kid is safe from this, let the kids decide don’t let it be shoved down his or hers mouth, now who’s the devil worshipper SATAN. your pathetic.

  • Replying to comment by: πŸ₯€sα΄›Ιͺα΄„α΄‹ ᴍᴀɴΙͺα΄€α΄„πŸ₯€TASTE THE RAINBOW, MOTHERFUCKERS GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHH!!

    what? you shut up bro. the devil is gay, God is straight and if you think about it the government is turning or converting ppl to being gay to decrease the population, it only facts not an opinion, look up something about the gay agenda and if you look hard enough you’ll find out. and so LGBTQ is pathetic, just because some straight guy gets rejected from a girl they want to turn gay? this community is getting soft and also LGBTQ is breaking normal ppl hearts, just to think about how a straight girl dating a straight man would go and date a man, you guys think it’s ok. Y’all got to be stupid. y’all only think about yourselves but when you need support or anything you expect someone to help you. You guys are not ppl ur just selfish, you don’t see the full picture, it might be cool for you to be gay but you don’t know how other ppl might feel about that. That’s why I don’t like LGBTQ because it’s just poison. Every straight person has this reason in their hearts, LGBTQ is being shoved in out mouths and the government is expect EVERYONE to like it. They are now putting it in little kids shows and turning the little kids gay, THIS WORLD IS HORRIBLE. and the adults are worse you guys don’t even make sure your kid is safe from this, let the kids decide don’t let it be shoved down his or hers mouth, now who’s the devil worshipper SATAN. your pathetic.

  • Replying to comment by: Ralph (Developer)ain't gotta do nothing, watch this page in coming weeks to

    double, no, triple glazed, with an extra cream filling damn

  • Replying to comment by: GaycionekTwo men. Kissing.

    what? you shut up bro. the devil is gay, God is straight and if you think about it the government is turning or converting ppl to being gay to decrease the population, it only facts not an opinion, look up something about the gay agenda and if you look hard enough you’ll find out. and so LGBTQ is pathetic, just because some straight guy gets rejected from a girl they want to turn gay? this community is getting soft and also LGBTQ is breaking normal ppl hearts, just to think about how a straight girl dating a straight man would go and date a man, you guys think it’s ok. Y’all got to be stupid. y’all only think about yourselves but when you need support or anything you expect someone to help you. You guys are not ppl ur just selfish, you don’t see the full picture, it might be cool for you to be gay but you don’t know how other ppl might feel about that. That’s why I don’t like LGBTQ because it’s just poison. Every straight person has this reason in their hearts, LGBTQ is being shoved in out mouths and the government is expect EVERYONE to like it. They are now putting it in little kids shows and turning the little kids gay, THIS WORLD IS HORRIBLE. and the adults are worse you guys don’t even make sure your kid is safe from this, let the kids decide don’t let it be shoved down his or hers mouth, now who’s the devil worshipper SATAN. your pathetic.

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